
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

>sb" তত্ত্ব কথা । همه ما هم ۰ واحی های محر furnished the basis from which the Jew's aspirations after something higher had to start and to which they always returned. But Christianity absolutely rejected all mechanieal observance of external rules detached from the spirit of life. Ritual ceased to he the service of god, so soon as that service was separated from the idea of obedience to a law externally given, and was conceived as the necessary outward expression of a divine principle which united men to each other as members of one divine-human society. In other words, the true service of God lay benceforth in these works of mercy and justice which were needful to make human society into a manifestation of divine love.” ভারতবর্ষের দিকে তাক ঠলেও দেখিতে পাট যে মীমাংসাযুগের বাহ্যিক অনুষ্ঠান, আচার, নিয়ম ও কৰ্ম্মকাণ্ডের একান্ত বাহিক ৩া ও প্রাণশুষ্ঠতার ফলে را برای تمام - سر مسم