পাতা:তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা (অষ্টম কল্প দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড).pdf/৮৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

守柠:9>8 LETTER TO MISS F. P. COBBE.” ♥ፃ o, o o అ5ELE: on بیان کi === "..., ........................ ബ ബ= ബsബ ബി ബ _ _ _ _ ാ ബ dom m = mg. कब्रिटड इहेटव । उख्त्रि थमॉजीबिबि८भद्र उभाग्न | কি ? বাহার বাহা মনোমত, তাহাই ভ ধৰ্ম্ম বলিয়। প্রতিপন্ন কর। যাইতে পারে না । আর “আমার ভুেলের কি হইবে" ইহা বজিয়াও কোন সত্যকে রাভারাত্তি সংসারে বদ্ধমুল ও লব্ধ প্রতিষ্ঠ করিতে পারা যাইবে না । যদি ধৰ্ম্মকে ভাল বাস, ভবে খৰ্ম্ম পালন কর, ইহার ফল যত দিনে ফলে ও স্বেরূপে ফলে, ভভ দিনে ও সেই রূপেই তাহ। ফলিবে । ইহার অন্যথায় তুমি আমি ব্যস্ত হইয়। কি করিতে পারিব ? ৪ শ্রাবণ ১৭৯৪ শক । { স্ত্রী ঈশানচন্দ্র বসু । 1, HT"I'ER T(} M ISS F. P. COBI; E. (JPritten by the Author of the Lecture on Joeply so the Query “What is Brahamoison P’’ | i to , on reconomy her present of her collection of . 1 h, ts/re prayers tutled. “Alone to the Alone.”) Calgutta, -— Јине, 1871. t)eal Madam. I have received your very valuable present of a copy of “Alone to the Al웅, 를 농. Thr book is a little compact chest of distilled sweets, distilled from the flowers of love cond veneration growing in the innermost recesses of the human heart. * It represents all the shadows and lights of human life and all the moods of the human mind from doubt to faith, from grief and despondency to social mirth and merriment. It is adapted to all states of the mind. It will infuse strength into the weak and waver. ing, give consolation to the miserable and heighten the joy of the happy. It will confirm faith, increase veneration and rekindle the flame of diving love in hearts becoming cold as taille. It is indeed a most valuable manual of devotion to Thoists. It has a mission to fulfil. May God speed that miss. ion : otze” * 尊 so so * = * = == = = ബജ്ജബ് dividuals of different countries and races and trained up in the midst of different religions speaks to the identity of Theism and is an earnest of its future universal diffusion and permanence. The preface to your book is an invaluable one. Seldom have I seen such noble thoughts expressed in such luminous and felicitous language, evincing the finest intuitions and the most delicat, perceptions of the true, the good, and the beautiful. I perfectly ag,1, with what you say about jai, ye being , natural act of the As the lotus, simile, hi'1') or mind ! I indu •!, sed petals to the i t-img bealus of ᏓᏗ $ᏬᏢ {? opens it's 30 the human heart As the lark rises higher and higher in the sky its beloved sun, "pt 1is itself to Gol hy prilyei towards the sun, ruining a flood of melody below, so the soul of man rises biglier and higher to tood by uscal's

of prayer, delighting with its utterances

men below. It is as natural to won to pray as for a lotus 10 open its potals to the rising sun and for the la k to rise in the sky and sing as it rises. Yonr reinarks oli praver for spiritual blessings delight in Inuch The invariable fulfilment of such prayer comes from an invariable spirtual law. Unloss we want (iod, we cannot obtain Jii.), : unless we want the aid of God, to enable us to obtain Hinu, we cannot obtain Hini, But the noblest of prayers is, I think, that to which the word prayer, in its usual sense, cannot apply. It is the state of “Still communion which transcends The inferior offices of prayer and praise. It is the state which our Vedas call the state of full contact with God, the state which it declares to be the source The fact of the prayers in the book *of the greatest felicity. This state is having been contributed by fifteen in compared by it to holding the Amalaki