পাতা:তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা (তৃতীয় কল্প তৃতীয় খণ্ড).pdf/৪৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

CALL To GoD's SERVICE. ജ്ജ ' “Consecrate yourselves to God, all ye youths and maidens! Ere the world benumb your fresh feeling or sin harden your conscience. Ynow that others have found God, as ye have not yet found him; But seek ye after him, and ye shall find him also : 鶴 Delight yourselves in him, and he shall give you the desire of your hearts. Seek him in the open field or in the shrouded wood, Under the cvening sky or in the solitary chamber. Take with you words, and turn to him, and say : “Oh Author of our spirits, Perfector of souls, With thee strength dwelleth in repose, and no passion is in disharmony; But the passions àf youth are untamed, and we do but move toward perfection, And Desire often seduces from Goodness or Ease deters from Duty. Yet wisely were we made by thce, and thy Will must be best for us; Early to submit were our prudence, and swect. ly to obey, our happiness; And when we know" that we seek thy will, we know that we become thy servants. Lo here we resign all,baser desire, we conse crate ourselves to be thine, We will struggle to be as thou approvest ; to be pure, as thou art pure, Unwarped by perverse passion, unspoiled by selfishness, Active for every good work, sympathizing with every good, cause, Haters and scorners of the wrong, lovers of good and of good men. s So will we aspire to thee, that we may be thine now and always, To live before thy open eye, and to die into thy secret bosom.” I speak to him thus, or to this effect, know ing that he road; all your heart; (ts Knowing that his light" searches, your dark corners, and sees your unknown faults. Fear not to meet his piercing gaze, shrink not from his eyes of stame, But stand before them true-heartedly, to let them burn up your sin. 曾 Oh, how will it cleanse your conscience and strengthen your best purposes. How will it put to shame all unkindness, clo im urity, all worldlincss and pride Ye who admire heroism shall grow heroic, and the compassionate more tender, And the generous more self-sacrificing, and the prudent more self-possessed. Every virtue shall be strengthened, and ‘ very vice shall be crippled, From the day that ye solemnly consecrate your all to the Ever Present God, For every imprils& shali fail into its own pia, , , and learn its due subordination, And hevome the wmeek minister of the soni, or the pleasant amuser of its weariness, The strong combatant for the right, or the sharp launter after the true. And your natures shall become enlargc], as they expand toward God: Your insight shall be deeper and your survey broader, Your selfishness shall become prudence, i.m.; your prudence unselfish, Loving your neighbours, loving your "ountry, and mankind, and the Righi. When the faithloss trembles at truth your faith shall but grow stronger, . And where the hypocrtte is feeble, your sound heart shall be mighty. Only aspire after perfection, and fell this out. to God, And cre long ye shall find him and know his exceeding great joy. He shall make with you a covenant of grace and truth, ■ And shall fill you of his own fulness and virit you with his Spirit, • * And he shall be your well-known Lord, and yc shall be his conseious servants, Equipped for life and careless of death, aspir ing after eternity, Sighing over your own unworthiness, yet ter tain of Almighty Love, F. W. NuwMAN.