পাতা:তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা (পঞ্চম কল্প দ্বিতীয় ও তৃতীয় খণ্ড).pdf/১৮৩

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিক। k tržišgo ng Affgf goțg- s iரணி به لم چیبي4 یوو their hearts and minds by a protest against طلوافیچ بیت- بیوsaa- قبيلعب مضجعه فليدا جده سيه. w श्; маӊир •ाज्र----न्न 臀 ఖెడాణా י-י" - י'-י"-"י"י ירי", "י "דיי-"ל .يتامين بها ومصمد عه من مج، فيذض ཙམག་མིངས་ཚ༤ieAMTAMTTTTT CS AAAAA AA AAAAA چین استفادلههای Religiou. How or when an explosion may current falsehoods; but the positive truth which | take place, no one can foresce; but the steady alone they have to teach (even when they hold a positive Theism) is believed already by their nation. It is seldom therefore that they can be animated by any great zeal for There are two instances known خط | ! provehing it.

  1. to me of men who were originally Christian and now are Theistic teachers; but
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熱he congregation has Inoved on nearly as the ဖွံ့ဖြို - - - - مدهys 毫 ... " * wo. & hminister did. This was the way with Theodore 纥楼 {} o' to

  • I'vrker in, America; and this is the only way in
  1. which I expect. Theistic Churches, I am told that the congregation in Manchester to which Mr. John Jane, "ayler (an eminent Unitarian) was minisser, is prevalently Theistic, as a result of his teaching ; and I cannot but think nearly the same is true of Mr. James Martineau’s haarers.

1 */o/ht/y know, but from what I know, I inuel, ystaewru Ml r. Chignell of Southsea. lle was a Christ in minister, but is now au & outed Thoist, with his congregation. His zeal, faith a ud ability deserve to make his celebrated; uted as he does not st ent to be above 36 years old, it is still possible. But he has a poor tonarregation, and is sor oil to spend much of his onergios in teachino, for the support of a wife and rising family. “I have Just learnt that he has most relues intly given up the task of lonblic ministry.) ' Singland contains too great a mass of highly “ultivated by any individual, whatever his goodness or his minds to sa : mach influened | wers. No great results will be perceptible, until they are brought about from Parliament, 1 (oom our Universities, or frora lForeign }łeforms. These seem to me likely to act in sympathy. Seven of the most accomplished men in our Universities have lately excited scandal by a book of Essays which thoroughly abandons all that used to be regarded as the strongholds of Christianity. The bishops have signed a paper, unanimously condemning the book. A cry is now raised, demanding that they will refute it. The controversy thus raised cannot stop here. Forty years of active effort have shown that the Universities cannot sustain any consistent Christian theory, The laity are becoming scandalized at the untruthfulness manifestly fostered by subscription to Articles of i | onward movement of mind makes it certain at last; and whenever it comes, it must give th Before happens, it is highly probable that a reform of the Church of Italy will be effected. formed that the Italians regard the Unitarian prospect of a Theistic Church. this 1 am in Christianity of England to be far too dogmatic and narrow a doctrine to be accepted by the reformit, g minds among them. Their reform, whatever its nature, is not likely to be encumbered by Articles of Religion. They have to clear of woore enormities than distresse Eigland centuries ago : they hit we no wilful and bigoted king like our Henry V l l l te make them stop short ; and the atmosphere of Europe is now widely different. I expect that their movement will powerfully intinence England. Theism, founded on pure wisdon, can only thrive as a restait, of general cultivation. I have freely given you my thoughts. Y ot, will see that they coil only in part be called facts, and even facts are secn differently by different minds. I proceed to explain more fully what I meant concerning Indian enlightenment. But let me first thank you for duplicate copics of 6 to acts, which arrived by the same post as your leiter, and greatly interested me. I have sent one set to my friend Miss Frances Cobbe, and an ending them to a few other persons. I trust, you will not suppose that I for a moment under value direct religious agencies. tracts, religious teaching in schools,'—so far as they are Preaching, religious books, religious allowed to go on,<-so far as you can get books read and considered.---are the very best ways of truth. l3ut. the vast majority of instances, people will not prepagating unfortunately, in hear the talk, and will unt or cunnot read the book : and even when they do, their minds are too inflamed, too weak, too unprepared, to receive the truth presented. It is so England, and l make sure it must be stili in more so in India. The European literature of the 3 last centuries, (l mean, that which is not avowedly religious) is the great agency which has elevated European religion,by strengthening and informing the mind. This is fully understood by the thousands of accomplished Englishmen, who are Wirtual but not