পাতা:তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা (পঞ্চম কল্প দ্বিতীয় ও তৃতীয় খণ্ড).pdf/২১৮

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।



ฐ } $ (; Qī), o &? * Mمشي BBBBS BBB BBBBBBB BkS DD BBBBB BBD CS S0S DBBBB BBD S D BBttS BBB C 0 ব্রাহ্মধর্ম | ১ 臀 • *s . . . * * șj The l)ivinity, in a certain sense is rev colled ; certain sense is wood caled . He is at once own and unknown.” WE here combat the it terested asserti on

  • . . . * sts ^ । ... छ। 輸 of the Guemies of philosophy, that Go! is

iñ(ruprehensible, and thæ1. it i not then For th. which it.

  • opt'**soiìts, t0 ex;»ìaiıı { # øtt,

Yeu-on, and for piilosophy Elsewhere, "、"\" have established in some manner, it may be admitted, at once 1 he comprehensibility and the incomprehensibility of God, First Series, v. o. fourth, Lecture twelfth, p 12. We Hay at 'irst, hot!, God is not, absolutely incompre îiems}} }e, îur tłıis 01: oiíes“, reøo »n, tba*, ieing

  1. (use of this univ"rsk:, be passe" infQ

and is reflected 11; it, as the eanse in ! t" 1 * * t z 受 ** thvs **!!'.•et, ; th*,y«•!? , ee we re«* gy; 1i ae him , “The heavens declare his giory,” and “the in visibi, i hings in: };ua from: the “I cution ..f by Live tilings that are intadu :” his power, 1 he isoundless regions of opact: ; His intelligence in the titousauds of worlds sewa in ^^ t h er harirtonievus iavvs ; lit, þily , t hat which t.here ıs iu ilira mort august, tji iłıç ŝuixtirucmls of virtue, of loliness, aird of loo, e which the it t aust, i.e. that God is not incomprehensible to un o all nations izteart of mua in cortalias, bave potationed him, since the first day w! {{{y}, ... the ...itis" of the 111 verse, reveals himsels theiro ای the intellectual fuse of Rahmanity. to us; but God is uiot, Grał w the atuse of the iverse, be is also the p r se" and intinite ali se possessing in isina: si " not it relative ort.ction, which is uniy a degree of iropersee1.. •!), hrut an ab$olute ]*rf*, tiJn, an infinitude whis a s not only the finite multiplied by itse" in thos: proportious whieł, the human runt! is able always" o cuunerate, but a true soil, tude, that is, the absolute aregatiot of all suno, in ai the powers of his being, \" t., mot, true tli:it, aʼv íñ-lelitrit,0 eli": ode:{nately expresses an itinite cause ; forb, " : is not true that we are able absolutely to comprehend God iry the world by man, for all of God is noi, to thern, r| 網 I a "ot \ . . § ! { ! fi order absolutely to comprehend the infinite, it is uccessary to have all infinite power of com 2, শুন । " শ্লেী । , 縣 f།”“། “འ! us to comprehend absolutely.

o 3. .. i ،اته ૧ ના 缸 ہہ بھ 戟 o , zesen., р ת r & 彎 ہتغپصلى الله عليه وسلم! +E prehension, and that is no God, in manifesting himself, *retains some ام;۔ thing in himself nothing finite can absolutely manifest; consequently, it is not There remains, then, in God, bevond the universe and man, something tiriknown, impenetrable, incomprehensible. Hence in the immeasurialso spaces of the romiverse, od beneath wil the profundities of the buruan soul, God escapes us in thi} i.eshaustille in fiwitude, whenee he is able tw draw w if hottt limit tiews workls, utow heutgs, Yew manifestatious, God is to us, therefore, incon preliensible ; btat "von Q: this incomprehensibility for we have And thr:: ide is tint, for tus a metaphysical reti nerti 'ni, we have a clear and precise idea ; the most precise idea of infinitride. .. it is a simple atol primitive conception which this vý orll, lunnin, us and obscure i to ge jur,e lain shines for İroni olur entralıçı i:it )

  • * *

}anntr explained l:y |: "st ł.li i¡1!.: . .i 110


ilig every nothing, because it carries us at * , ) { } { lindit , , , ! 'i'hem e js soro- t.vitug vm-x}, ii .,' l * , »v t h o , vg h t ,

{# er" .

sai Haruit and the ۱۱۹ : ) : ؛t: t به belok then who liter thought tends infinite heing, hock it! iho to 'o - “. . .'; print:ip}e of g}} nativ. ... .J {t ; 1, i wì ysg Reason explains u + ivo inox; iio, it. conecives it. It is ırot ;ti»! · two v , yrit pt ·!:w no! inninitude in ar absolute taani comprehends it in some degro in its i.itlesin' to manifestations, which revout it, and which veil it and, further, as it has been Faid, o comprohemás it so far as incomprehensible; It is, therefore, an equal error to call God absolutely comprehensible, and absolutely incomprehensible. He is both, invisible and prescui, revealed and withdrawn in himsel# in the world and out of the world, so tal. iliai and intimate with his creatures, that we so him by opening our eyes, that we feel him i feeling our hearts beat, and at the Hut, impenetruble majest mingled with every thing, and separated fro every thing, manifesting hintself in univers life, and causing scarcely Rił ephemerà shadow of his eternal essence to appear 醬 communicating himself without cessatios and remaining incommunicable, at once th living God, and the God concealed, “ De vivus et Deus o])seonditus.' t Corsi