পাতা:তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা (পঞ্চম কল্প প্রথম খণ্ড).pdf/১২০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

আমার অনুরোধ যে এই দুই প্রকার उग्रः গু-মায় ও ধৰ্ম্ম প্রচার সামঞ্জস্ত ৰূপে ষে উপায়ে সংসাধন হইতে পারে, তাহার বিধান করিবেন । আমার ইচ্ছা যে তাৎপর্যের সহিত ব্রাহ্মধৰ্ম্ম, ব্রাহ্মধৰ্ম্ম , সঙ্গীত প্রভৃতি ব্রাহ্মধৰ্ম্ম প্রচারের উপযোগী গ্রন্থ মকল, অগ্রে মুদ্রিত হয় ; পরে অন্য লোকের পুস্তকাদি মুত্রিত করিয়া সমাজের আয় বৃদ্ধি করা যাইতে পারে।" তৎপরে সার্ব সম্মতি ক্রমে নিম্ন লিখিত মহাশয়ের সমাজের কৰ্ম্মকৰ্ত্ত হইলেন । সাভাপতি । শ্ৰীযুক্ত রমাপ্রসাদ রায় । অধ্যক্ষ । - পত্রিকাধ্যক্ষ - ঐযুক্ত দেবেন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর। বস্ত্ৰাধ্যক্ষ —শ্ৰীযুক্ত কালীকৃষ্ণ দত্ত । ধমাধ্যক্ষ——ঐযুক্ত বৈকুণ্ঠনাথ সেন। সম্পাদক । ত্রযুক্ত দেবেন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর। ঐযুক্ত কেশবচন্দ্র সেন । সহকারী সম্পাদক । ঐযুক্ত আনন্দচন্দ্র বেদান্তবাগীশ । o * * তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিক সম্পাদক । ঐযুক্ত সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর।

  • পরিদর্শক ।

ঐযুক্ত বেঙ্গারাম চট্টোপাধ্যায়। PRAYER. Man is maked and desenceleas; bis intolligence procures him shelter and nourishment, while at the sano time it protects bisa from the attacks o' wild animals and his own species. . But if he were reduced to the sayage state he would cease to be himself, he would be no longer man. In civilised life, which augments his necessities while it elevates his desires, he is compelled to be equal to his own wanto, An appalling proportion of human beings are deficient in intellectual •ultivation ; many suffer from cold and hunger; : th» : , ჭo o iğ by he proximity of luxury. Poets and philosophers 鯊 ங்கி ಕ್ಲಿ; 器 remti ಇಇಣje, d بي يهودي الأنوي فقط هنا إن أنويبو . الإبد for those who'répeat it 4ఫీ y g 動 e shido of . 'äorwy

גש אישיוr6 ཧྭ་མི་:་“སའི་ར་ ني في ஆத 器 ούτκήνες #okTEÑ#

of a son—that of S S ASAAAA AAAASAAAA AAAA SAASAASSAAAASSSS S S -o- or ~ * * does not comprise happiness; but in civilised socioty the absence of money creates prositive misery.' If it be isserted that there are "greater evils, or that this privation must be endured rather than #hot the immortal soul shrölà če delijéil, só far él! is just and true; but this admission does not prevent us from feeling that it is fearful not to possess the common necessories of life for ourelves and those that belong to us. There is an axiom, which we sometimes have repeated, equally repulsive to those who have suffered themselves, and who have witnessed the sufferings of others. “No one,” they say, “dies of hunger.”, “This is either a mistake of a falgebood. People die of starvation in a ditch, in the fields, or in town, before the window of a baker's shop, Many amongst those who are not absolutely starved die from insufficient or unwholesome food; or from having earned their pittance of bread in an unhealthy toil; or sink under illness for want of remedies or rest. I We all agree in eulogising labour, and in declar. ing that it strengthens and consoles; but there is such n thing as lubour multiplied upon labour. If the reader has ever been led by curiosity to i.e.,nd into the catacombs of Paris, where you wall, between four stone walls so narrow &nd low {R} you can touch them ou evory side, and where von inay advance for a league without feeli Å£him; but that description 9f sepulehrethroug „bici, you travel without change of situation; where You can scarcely breathc for want of air, where the soul is weighed down by the sensation of that thick crust of rock and earth under which you are buried, you may chance to have, oilanuntered an isolated workman, dragging along with slow steps, and loy the light of a miserable condle, a wheelbarrow loaded with unlown stones. ise has been there from the earliest lawn to disk, and \yი unust ręttur }l again to-morrow. Does ...he çr enough by Vlis Jabour to kc' i his children f of all the feelings that bind ns to the world, the strongest is paternal love. It increases every day, even when we believe it has reached a point beyond which there is no augm.enfation. ' Tho parent bears every thing for child ; toil, solitude, want of clothing, and want of food. He braves death under every form; wounded or dying, he forgets his own agony to supply some’little comfort to that dear life which soon will lose his fail support. This love without lio is the laat Åýhieh the heart retaims. We eam comprehend that the world would be a desert to the fasher if that eye were closed, if that smile were quenched in death. Yet nature breaks the fie, She casts the opeiiiagjife * iņto the graw9, and coñe demns the parent tố survive. o these catastrophes are not universal, yet the catalogue is a long one ! Every hour that we live ,縣 disaster, g There üg o ہا ر برے حیاتیات | اخت، ۹فت MNo- RRIEEEEEడా SMMMS SSSSSS AAAS SSAS SSAS SSAS SSAS SSAS SSAS SSAS brings with it the chance. * * * l is a misfortune yet greater than elosing the

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ship, have their peruliar sting, θα ţiøus” aro intwrypresëî짧i a4 , 9rin)o. ': ఫి"#షి