পাতা:তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা (পঞ্চম কল্প প্রথম খণ্ড).pdf/১৩০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

o _ அதே -_ _ سچہ سب-اساس۔ =s= -- ==-- 4= ہے۔ηup ப_ spotstuai, FREEDOM... " ' And first, I may be asked what'l, meat, by inward, Spiritual freedom o The common and true answer is, that it is "freedom from pin." I apprehend, however, that to many, if nog to rņosh, these words are töö vagus ido convey a w sense of the greatnéAs of the blessing. ... suct one, then, offer a brief explanation; and the Amost iniportant remark in illustrating this freedom, is, that it is not a negative state. not the more absence of sin, for such a freedom may be uscribed to inferior animals, or to children before becotning moral agents. attribute of a mind. mu which registòn and eow#çiencë have begun to act, and which, is free through its own energy, through fidglity to the truth, through resistance of temptation. I cannot therefore better give my views of spiritual freedom, than by saying. that it is moral, energy or force of holy purpose put sorth against the senses, against the passions, against the world, and thus liberating iite intollect, conscience, and will, so that they may act with strength and unfold themselves for over. The essence of spiritual freedom is power. A man liberated from sensual lusts by a palsy, would not therefute be inwardly free. He only is free, who, through self-conflict and moral resolution, sustained by trust m (hod, subdues the passons whicl. have debased him, wad, escaping the the aid to of low objects, binds himself to pure and lossy ones. That mind alone is free, which, 數 o, and deep. Špiritual freedom is the - - o Կ 1 r so. {} ←ᏂᎫ ! not :

}ooking to God as the inspirør and rewarder of virtue. vlnpts tiis law, written on the heart an i in his word, as its supreme rule, and who, is: obedience to this, goverah, itscif, reveres itself, exerta faithfully 3te best powers, al unolds itself ay weil dcing, in wbiteyer spùere , God's providenre assigns. À It has pleased the All-wise {}isposer to eacompaso us from our birth by difficulty and allur"inent to place us in a world where wrong doing to often gainful, aud duty rough aud perilous, where ulany vices oppose the dictates of the inward nonitor, where the body presses as a weight on the mind, and matter, by its torpetual agency on the Kerises, becomics a barrier between us and the spiritual world. We are in the midst of influences, which menace, the intellect and heart ; and to be free, is to withstand and conquer these. f 1 call that raind free, which masters the senses, . protests itself against aniraal appetites, which conteinns pleasusro and pain in comparison with its own energy, which penetrates beneath the body and recoguises its own reality and greatness, which passesłife, not in asking what if shall eat or ီ|ိုး but in hungering, thirsting, and seeking after righteousness. s call that mind free, which scapes the age of matter, which instead of stopping. material.. universe and making it a prisons wall, passes beyondit to its Authèr, and finds in the radiant signatures which it everywhere bears of the infinite Spirit, helps to its own spititual enlargement, . . . . . . . . : I call that mind froe, which, jealously guards its intellectual rights and powers, whleh calls no was master, which does not content, itself with oivoor hereditary faith, which opens itself ht whencesoever it mty come, which roegives gth as an angel from heaven, which, whilst Ring others, intuires stili'uoro of the oracle

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\ 1 * * t 4. i شمالي তাহাড়ে ঋখেঙ্গ সংহিতা এবং

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withia 重 T § and uscs instructions, from abroad, i ੇ bnt too quicken and exalt its own energies, *".' ' to Å. iy * , 1 • I call # mind free, which sets no bounds to its love; which is not imprisohed in itself or in a soci, which, rogognisod in all human l"ingiket lie image of God and the rights of his which delights, in virtue and sympathises with suftering wherever they are seen, which comquers, pride, anger, and sloth, and offers itself up a willing victim to the cause of mankind, r I call that mund free, which is not passively frained by outward circumstances, which is not swept away by the turrent of events, which is not the creature of ageiduntal implaine, but which bÇnde events to il* own improvémeit, to acts from an inward spring, from immutable principles whieh ttw}ia , deliberaf, ly espousad. ** Ital that mind free, which protocts itself against the usurpations of society, which does not vower to humai, opinon, which feçtâ itself aoGountable to a higlier, tribunal than nunn's, which respects a higher law than fashion; which respects itself tvo znach to be the slave or teos o' the inany on the fow.' ' să i 1 call that mind free, which, through confidence in Ciud also iu the power of virtue, has vast off all fear but, that of wrong-dding. which no menace or peril eam enthral, which is calm in the midst of tumults, and possesses itself though all else he W. E. Channing বিজ্ঞাপন । কৃতজ্ঞতা পূৰ্ব্বক স্বীকার করতেছি, যে প্রযুক্ত বাবু রমাপ্রসাদ রায় সমাজের যন্ত্রণলয়ের জন্য যে ১১৩৮w১৫ টাকা কঞ্জ দিয়া ছিলেন,তাহা তিনি সমাজে দান করলেন । শ্ৰীদেৰেন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর - ivat, o • ঐকেশবচন্দ্র সেন ব্রহ্ম সমাজের সম্পাদক । ஆஆை আগামী বৈশাখ মাস অবধি তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকার মূল্য মামিক ৮% ছয় আন এবং অগ্রিম বার্ষিক তিন টাকা নিৰ্দ্ধারিত হইয়াছে। যাহার। অগ্রিম বার্ষিক মূল্য দিবার মানস করেন, তাহার, তাহা বৈশাখ মাসের মধ্যে সমাজে প্রেরণ করবেন। টিকিট এক পত্র মধ্যে প্রাপ্ত হওয়া গিয়াছে। -गक्रीड़ दूख مسه - - اند. به কের প্রার্থনা' লিখিত আছে ; কিন্তু পত্র প্রেরয়িভার নাম লিখিত হয় নাই। অ জএৰ সেই পত্র-প্রেরক স্বরায় আপনার