পাতা:তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা (প্রথম কল্প দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড).pdf/১৬১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা হিরণময়েন পাত্রেণ সত্যস্যাপিহিত মুখ ॥ পূম্বরেকর্ষে যম সুর্য্য প্রাঙ্কাপত্য ব্যুহ রক্ষ্মীন সমূহ তেঙ্কোয়রে রূপ কল্যাণতম তত্ত্বে পশ্যামি যো হসাবসৌ পুরুষঃ সেহিমস্মি ॥ By thy illuminating body, QSun, the True Being who rules in thee is veiled from me. O thou who nourishest the world, enlightenest it singly, and who art the Regulator of the whole system, () Sun, descendant of Prajaputee, disjerse thy rays and mitigate the intensity of the 體 so that I may through thy favor behold thy most graceful aspect. But why should I (says the Individual again retracting himself on reflecting upon the true divine nature) why should I entreat the Sun, as I am what he is, that is, the Being who rules in the Sun rules also un me, The following passages show that the Divine Spirit and Soul are distinct one from the other. দ্বা সুপর্ণ সবুজ সখায়া সমান বৃক্ষৎ পরিষস্থজাঙে তয়োর নাঃ পিপপলথ স্থাদ্ধান্ত অনগ্নয়নোভিঢাকশীতি ॥ Two birds, God and the soul, friends and cohabit:uits, reside unitedly in one tree, the body. One of them (the soul) consumes the fruits of its actions. But the other (God) without partaking of them, is witness of all events. ন প্রডঃ৭ ৷ Human Spirit is not God, There are systems of Hindu philosophy which fall into materialisin, but our philosophy is not our religion: the Reviewer apparently confounds the one with the other. According to the Vaidant, God is a sole existent spirit, whose influence pervades all mature, from whom every other existence in creation has proceeded, under whose providential care they all subsist, move and act, and in pursuance of whose laws they all suffer the various mutations to which they are subject, and ultimately cease to leave any trace of their existence behind them. IIe is capable of being known to iman only as the omniscient, omnipresent and all powerful Creator, Guardian and the Ruler of the destinies of the universe, whose origin, preservation, various changes and ultimate destruction are , solely the work of His will, the result of His providence, and the effect of His power. IIis real essence, no vision can approach, no language can describe, no intellectual power can compass or determine. . He is the only true Being, and nothing exists without Him —He alone has existed from all eternity and every thing besides Him has had its origin from Him. He is One only, without a second. He is truth itself, His purposes being all fixed, His laws immutable, and His course unchangeable; and He rules the destinies of the creation in accordance with the invariably fixed rules of justice and verity. He is wisdom itself, that is, He knows by mere intuition all things and matters, past, present and to come, and is infinitely wise to frame and --- ! ২২৫ order things to their proper ends without flaw or defect. He is infinite and He exists from eternity to eternity, or in other words, He exists every where and at all times. He is happiness itself, being all perfection in Himself and the source of all happiness to his creatures; being unchanged and unchangeable in His own nature, and the origin of those innumerable blessings which are scattered throughout creation. He is almighty, able to do every thing not base or sinful. He is all holiness and all goodness. His excellences are incomprehensi ble. He is shapeless but the cause of all shapes, and the Supreme Ruler of the universe. He holds his moral government over all IIis creatures, and rewards and punishes the good and bad actions of in accordance with laws unchangeably and eternally fixed by tiimself in mercy and goodness infinite, and yet He is void of all passions which would argue changelleness and is constancy. l'ire burns, thi sun enlightens the world, the firmament, thewind and dissolution take their rapid course through liis fear and yet He is all peace and calmness, Life, mind, the organs of Sensation, ether, air, light, fluids, earth, the support of all creatures,originate from Him, I le Himself alone being unborn, immutable and eternal. He alone and nothing else existed before creation and He created every thing out of nothing, by His sole commandment and at His mere will. যতোবাইমানি ভুতানি ডামস্থে লেন জাতানি ঞ্জীবস্তি যৎ প্রয়স্তাভিস বিশন্তি তদ্বিঞ্জিজ্ঞাসস্ব তদ্ভহ্মেতি ॥ মঃ সৰ্ব্বজ্ঞঃ সৰ্ব্বরিৎ মস্যৈম মহিমা ভূবি দিব্যে ব্রহ্মপুরে হেমথ্যোমি আ প্রতিষ্ঠি গু: মনোময়ঃ প্রাণশরীরনেতা প্রতিষ্টিতো হন্নে হৃদয় সমিধাম ॥ ন চকুলা গৃহতে নাপি বাঢ়া নানৈার্দেবৈঃ ॥ একোবশী সৰ্ব্বভূতাগুরায় ॥ নিত্যোনিতানাথ চেতনশ্চেতনমাৎ একেবলুনাথ যোবিদধাতি কামান ॥ একমেবাদ্ধি ভীমৎ ॥ সত্য জ্ঞানমনস্তু ব্ৰহ্ম ॥ আনন্দরূপমমৃত, যদ্বিভাতি ॥ বিচিত্ৰশক্তিঃ পুরুষঃ পুরাণঃ ॥ শুষ্কমপাপবিন্ধণ ॥ পরম পরস্তাৎ ॥ যতোবাচোনিবৰ্বপ্তে অপ্রাপ্য মনসা সহ ॥ যত্তদৰ্দেশ্যমগ্রামগোত্রমবর্ণমচক্ষুঃ শ্রোত্র তদপুণিপাদও নিত্য বিস্তু সৰ্ব্বগতং সুসুক্ষম, তদব্যয় যদুতযোনিথ পরিপশ্যন্তি ধীরাঃ ॥ যাথাতথ্যতোইথান হ্যদধাচ্ছাশ্বর্তীভাঃ সমাভ্যঃ ॥ নিষকলৎ নির্ষিকয় শান্ত নিরবদ্যৎ নিরঞ্জন ৷ ভয়াদস্যাগ্নিস্থপতি ভয়ান্ত্রপতি সুর্য্যঃ। ভয়াদিন্দ্রশ্চ বায়ুশ্চ মৃত্যুদ্ধাবতি পঞ্চমঃ ॥ এতয়াডায়তে প্রাণে মনঃসৰ্ব্বেন্দ্রিয়াণি চ । খ২ বায়ুর্জোতিরাপঃ পৃথিবী বিশ্বস্য ধারিণী ॥ আত্মা বাইদমেকএবাগ্রামাসীন্নান্যৎ, কিঞ্চন মিষৎ ॥ Such are the notions of God inculcated in the Vaidant. The duties which man is taught by that divine code, to perform in pursuance of the object of his creation. and as the rol