পাতা:তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা (প্রথম কল্প দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড).pdf/৩৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

তত্ত্ববোধিনী পত্রিকা । যে ভারতবর্ষের প্রতি এৰূপ প্রসন্ন হইয়াCエ 1 এইক্ষণে অামারদিগের এই দেশস্থ সকল শ্রদ্ধাম্বিত এবং সচ্চরিত্র ব্যক্তিদিগকে অনু রোধ করি যে শীঘ তাঙ্গার এই দল ভক্ত কয়েন। এই দলভুক্ত হইয়। প্রতিজ্ঞার সচিত সকল কুকৰ্ম্মকে পরিত্যাগ করিতে চেন্ট। করিয়া ব্রহ্মোপাসনাতে নিযক্ত ভইলে আপনার পরিত্রাণ এবং দেশের মঙ্গল একেবারেই করিতে পরিবেন । , ব্রাহ্মদল ভক্ত হইবার বাসন থাকে তাহার। এই দলের উপাচার্য) শ্ৰ:"স স্ট্র প্রস রত্নের নিকটে প্রার্থন শেষ জানিতে পাfরবেন ; i عم- س--حسیستمهای محم-سسس-صه ح it Eł'() R.'I' () to T'II F | | | N }. J. Sl' : , ] { A, | “.43-44 } \ & عن مسمهيمي: sيه مصمتجسد سد عسكه عسق ह-छू १* *曹唱 - .تھے _ } I`he 'l'\' i * v o \ ■ 11, \ ,* St ; 1 , w,ws »-t , i,l,.;,. _ t 总*曾 so ed, on the 2.2d September | -ド3,り。 p.a, ty of ten to lend-, who holi. v. C. in . . .( is s - ,

  • * ! } | . . ( )ue nknow "I'm te eing, tl, o , , , , ": es ever and 19e-trover ol tive t tiv is".” an ! who nanntained, that his spirituał w oi sl.ip w as the only means ofebt: ining menta teherty het e, aard eter nal wat itu, i, iri eatre;. "l'hr : vow d hiect of the me nube , was to sustatn the labo : » of the late I, Jab Raminohun Roy, ovli, oneing gradu iliy anong the natives of this country, that monothelstical system of divine wool - ship, which is to be found inculeated in their original sacred wittings in contradistinction to the multifarious pit versions, which they have undergone in cou.se of time. It cottid foot be mistaken even by an ordinary observer, that the immense fabric of 1 Indoo [do it w was tottering under the progress of Reforirïution, superindue, d by the introduction of the Furopean sciences, and a superior system of education into this country. The educated aative mindrelieved, as it were, from the burden w hiel superstition had so long imposed, was naturally left to receive the first impression it cousil lay hold on. It was to have been feared, therefore, that, as a natural result of this course ol events, the great body of the people, unshakled from the setters of superstition, would eithel imbibe the pernicious principles of atheism, or embrace the doctrines of christianitv, so *ccessfully promulgated by its teachers—a cou*mmation which the members counld not bring themselves to look on with indifference, consis. *ntly with their regard for the welfare of their

f : \, * 〉o○ countıymen. It was to counteract influences like these, and inculcate on the I undo, reliorous enquirer's mind doctrines at one cot.soutnt to eusou and huntin nature, for which he has to explore his own saci od resou ces the Vatda u 1ta, that the Society was originally established. Comme ted with the obj, ets of this soci, tv, the men, hers deemed it of the utmost impo toutc. to found some institution which, while it should import a kilowied,” of the vern'icinia; language to the Jivinil' suit, l, might, at the same tune, impress it with i eligious ti utlys, and tiereby assist to " ft., 1111 m:p 2 class of persons who, st } , t \l able eventhally to sust un time i 1i, »tri s of tle tu etnber - inav at least eo-operat, with 1 hetti, 11, the vast field in which t to v or, engaged. The encout to "inel, “w tood, 4 to theih labou s by the publie, e na hled the taenibet « t* * · · nul, t : « pl” ı 1 tınıt v to erait-i ti, en intent tous pi 'etic.it, v no tuł. and to 2. |{ }, { i 14: -ા “O ld \ "ા , ! ! ti i e of the so let \ , a ) مه ق” - tablished at ("...], otoa, “ . . . . . . [...to '... the o 'n arv Instructio ins in ni elv i 1. simit,: , ; instiIf p * : “i to the studio ts. out " 'in, iv to i !... < 1. v. . . .” time Neiti-vely .* | {} .l r \{ { " (: }ب ، 1 ، ( 1 ، د) في ا ! ! ..? | so 13, alo <wʻi va ... ml v, is { 響 ! . ብ” w o l i. \ a : ait I »11 •. \ ; ii gn^)ii- Is in • • \ • i • • l ' g** * - njeni ber-, instritet, in was, it fin «f ( n ve \ , \; t irre, igła t}}" ni alt+1+1, .yt ti, and S: net It" languages an i the ai i eut: ' « ',{ ti, stild. :, is a s so “e ultitel is 1, 1:1. of th” f : . . . -t:ii):1-hei! } : gli «l', -', stva proti fi · 111 ?) to 'I', is, how v - had to 4 til desired effect. fo: the bi v s, 'I' }, ·ł:-<ww .:: · · ıu:ı!!v bros',\:· t · ții :: 1. ii w:is, I ł; · ı · - te ev se in sy ter. tint ، ، (41)}^{ an olivei i tunty oi I ) eity to as: tા', '1': - - in wil r marmerl ** A. \! uid w is t , , , , tot , rt ch 廖 : ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ؛ ار)t ; : pł‘ı it w lite", w ottle e : ibi: the st tilio outs, d'un ing tist: in tı: s os tite school, to tir . . te a poi tion o f h, i, to no v ett u g t thern, at the same: tin":, ’:’, :, : \ a:t tges i so * te tite study of E. , : 1 .: , «e of a closio is most 1"tion. I tie inel set! n extend, it to م،ئی !۹ ) ، ؛ ttti و ۹۰۰ : ؛ د: ا. ) ، ۰، ها: ، ۱ ، ۱ ، ۲۱ اردی، -- i \ the objects ot time society by the po ibile, ei... boldene: | tie me imbers to take :ા tl risi \ - sie Ít in:itter of st...,' ', oil • uitv t , detei main, on the Impi v ved plan et liitl, with the prospect (1ain-d. "ovover, il w het her. the • stablish it nt of greator advantage, be mov (; font ("...toutta. It was ev det;t- tlıat t, cre the < ', tv . . tilt { not afford, with its slendor trie, is to I. It! or prospects vt ૧ superior svs; e : , í se iontifit" or lite, a y education, which the ample resort' co-, at the commond of the (S. v.-rument ('oïleg. “ enable them to do It was no loss app: ent, slot the state of education and Tv igion 11; th" intet o of the count v was lamentably detective, and as such, or became no less an “ct of rosity than of duty on the part of the society, to extend its operations to the int"ri, r, particulariy to the ancient seats of Hindoo learning, Under these circumstances, the school at Calcutta was given up, and one established on the 30th of April 1843.at Banshbaria near Hooghly,an emiment seat of Hindoo learning. No expence and care have been spared to render it worthy չ: Վi 1{