পাতা:দর্শন দীপিকা.djvu/১০৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ro } centuries, altho' in many places from materials of much more ancient date. They contains. Theogonies, accounts of the creation, Philosophical speculations, instructions for religious, ceremonies, genealogies, fragment of history, and innumerable legends relating to the actions of Gods, heroes, and sages, most are written to support the doctrines of particular sects, and all are corrupted by Sectarian fables, so that they do not form a consistent whole, and were never intended to be combined into one gencral systein of belief, yet they are all received as incontrovertible authority, and as they are the sources from which the present. Hindu religion is drawn. We cannot be surprised to find it full of contradictions and anomalics.

  • 'ᎱlᏂe Hind us, as has been said are still aware of the existence of a Supreme Being from whom ali others derive their existence or rather of whose substance, they are composed, &c. &c.”

১৬৪ পত্রে লিখিত । অষ্টাদশ পুরা আধুনিক শাস্ত্র বেদব্যাসোত্ত কথিত্ব হয় কিন্তু প্রাকৃতার্থে বহুপণ্ডিত কর্তৃক ইংরাজী ৮•• শাল অবধি ১৬•• শাল পর্য্যন্ত অর্থাৎ সহস্র