পাতা:দর্শন দীপিকা.djvu/১১১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

I to ) পাত হওয়া তাহাদিগের রীতি অনায়াসেই সম্ভাবনা । “The natives of India are often accused of wanting gratitude ; but it does not appear that those who make the charge have done much to inspire such a sentiment, when masters are really kind and considerate, they find as warm a return from Indian servants as any in the world, and there , are few who have tried them in sickness, or in difficulties and dangers, who do not bear witness to their sympathy and attachment, their devotion to their own chiefs is proverbial, and can arise from mo otlger cause, than gratitude, unless where cast supplies the place of clannish feeling, the fidelity of our sepoys to their foreign masters has been shown in instances which it would be difficult to match, even among national troops, in any other country. Ner is this confined to the lower orders; it is common to see persons who have becn patronized by men in power, not only continue their attachment to them when in disgrace, but even to their families when tiey hawe left them in a helpess condition. " s A persectly authentic instance might be mentioned, of an English gentleman, in a high station