পাতা:দর্শন দীপিকা.djvu/১৪৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ ৯০ ] Hence we learn from history, that when the God of nature was removed from his view, the sun and the stars were easily substituted as objects, religious homage, admiration, atid gratitude. Defied mortals and animals were afterwards worshipped, and superstitious folly, terminated in the homage paid to inanimate beings. If an invisible béing was sometimes present to the eye of reason, fancy transformed the God of mercy into a tyrant, he was thought to be honored most by the effusion of human blood, and the perfection of holiness was imagined to consist in the delirious excesses of superstious cruclty, misled by such erroneous notions, the moral virtues of men were in general, the effects of ostentation and religion, shewed the weakness of reason, or the cunning of priestcraft when it represented the very duties as giving the sanction of example to all the vices which disgrace this wicked world. o ইতিহাস দ্বারা উপলব্ধ হইতেছে যে পরমাত্মার উপাসনা বিরাম হইলে তৎ পরিবর্ভেস্থৰ্য্য এবং গ্রহাদির স্তুতি ও পূজা এবং কৃতজ্ঞতা ৰূপ ধৰ্ম্ম স্থাপনানন্তর নরাকৃতি দেবতা এবং পশ্বাছি পূজা