পাতা:দর্শন দীপিকা.djvu/১৭৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

| ১২২ } t When shall we children of one common mother. India, rejoice in common io congratulate ourselves on the happy reformation of our wives When shall we hebold our women contribute to the rise of their native country jn the estiniation of the moral world ! t Now having pointed out, as briefly as possible in the course of the preceeding pages, the causes that have produced the vices which the natives are obnoxious to, it remains for us to consider what would be the best means of improving their inoral character, whatever be the opinion of the different writers' who have treated on the subject and the force of the argtiments adduced by them to support their assertions or convictions :-in my opiniou, humble as it doubtless is. I cannot but confess that the removal of the very causes which have produced our immoralitics would only be the best means of improving the moral character of four nation. There are some who think that, the superstition of the natives is the only cause of their immoralitics and that a change of religion alone would be sufficient to elevate their moral character. For my part 1 consider otherwise,_-1 coniloogoincide with their opinion, for superstition is théoffspring