পাতা:দর্শন দীপিকা.djvu/১৮০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

১২৩ • ] ignorance; the moment India will be freed from the tirraldom of ignorance, it will become utterly impossible for supersition to stay a moment in the country. An enlightened eligion, on the expulsion of superstition from this benighted land, will be very" much required, in order to give the people a fixed -sandard of true morality, but the choice of religion onust depend upon education, let the natives be educated ; and they will soon select a religion for themselves Those, who could entertain any doubts 1especting. it, must mark the state of Europe, in order to convince themselves, of the wonders which education and knowledge have brought in that quarter of the (; lobe, observe the progress of society in Europe from the time of the Barbarians, who overturned the Roman empire, down to the prescut time when mighty empires have grown out of petty feudal principalitits and dukedoms, when sciente and litrature are incessantly pouling forth their enlighteniņg rays on “ hills apd dales” on “ distant countries and unknown shores,” when philosophy has cnnobled ther, descendants of ignorant Barbārfans, who gloried themselves with having trampled upon and Jestroyed, the brightest monuments of arts and genius. There are persons