পাতা:দর্শন দীপিকা.djvu/৫৮

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

A. v INDICATION Ꮊ Ꮀ* THE HIN DO O.S: (she Öffortuations Goj? THE CHRISTIAN OBSERVER Օ է՝ MIR. FULLER, “rcRETARY to the Baptist Mission ARY society; .* N in () is HIS -1A9.VYMoUS FRIEND: w'ITH soMI: REMARKS ON A SERMON Preached at Oxford, by ThE REV. DR. BARROW, to the Expediency of introducing Christianity among the Notti's of India.

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By A BENGAL officer. PART f. LON De)N : PRINTED FOR THE, AUTчог : Y ¤¤¤TTEL & Co. * Marshall-street, Golden-Square. 1808.