পাতা:দর্শন দীপিকা.djvu/৬৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

T 7 At so momentous a crisis of the Company's affairs, when, by the recent operations of a destructive war, we have alienated the affections of the principal Chiefs, of Ilindostan; when our possessions in the East are menaced with hostility, by the united powers of France and Russia; • who having, it secm3, found means to conciliate the Persian government; have alreadv, it would appear, advanced a large force towards that country, for the purpose of making arrangements, preparatory to an early invasion of the Company's territories, by a combined force of Persians, French, and Russians. At such a moment, when the affairs of the Company seem sinking under the pressure of aii enormous debt of thirty Millions! At such a moment, when the spirit of disaffection has gone forth, among our native subjects in the peninsula of India, as has unhappily been, recently, so unequivocally manifested, on more than one occasion At such a moment, when a wise policy would seem to dictate the necessity securing friends, in every possible quarter, to shield us from the impending"danger'