পাতা:দর্শন দীপিকা.djvu/৬৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[• 10 | for-" we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully”.” There may be errors.in their system: for, what system is without them 7 And if errors have o • & o - crept into the moral practice of the Hindoos, and have, too long, remained, upborne on the wings of superstition; this is perhaps to be ascribed to the tenacity of custom, ever jealous of its rights, when flowing from a source of religious consideration; and will ultimately, perhaps, yield only to the influence of improved reason and philosophy; for I fear, Religion alone, never corrected its own errors; nor cwer will, without the aid of Reason, which first discovers those errors.--It is 19 this maturity of Reason that we owe the Protestant Religion; and yet, the balance is kept in equipoise, by half of Europe, who reject it. If the approaches of the Hingoos to this matu rity of Reason, have been nove slow, than those of other people; it is perhaps owing to a greater degree of religious 3.1bserviency, than is common to the rest of imankird; but, as all improvement is progressive, where season is the guide; we may rationally hope, that the Hindoos are, already, somewhat aúvanced on the road ; and

  • St. Paul's first Epistle to Timothy, Chap, is ver, 8.