পাতা:দর্শন দীপিকা.djvu/৭০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ 13 J. observation, have ever commanded my respect and secured my esteem." Under these impressions. therefore, when I found them so wantonly vilified, in the pages of that Memoir; and suffering under the pressure of imputations, conveyed in the unqualified language of virulent abuse; I considered it a tribute to the majesty of Justice; a sacred offering at the shrine of Truth; and thus, to adopt the language of Mr. Buchanan, “a solemn and “imperious duty exacted by my Religion;” to rise in their vindication, and endeavour to rescue their prostrate cause. from the giant grasp of their fell adversary, thus ménacing its destruction. How far I may be found to have succeeded in this attempt, must be left to the impartias judgement of the reader: happy indeed shall I be, should it appear to have satisfactorily conveyed to his mind, a conviction of the injustice done to the Hindoos by the Reverend Mr. Buchanan." If that gentleman has selected the chaff and rubbish of the harvest, for the first course of the entertainment; I trust, the Company will mot the less relish the more substantial, though home- * ly faré now laid before him; and if the hand of a master bas been wanting, to add due relish to