পাতা:দর্শন দীপিকা.djvu/৮৬

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ 29 J Bengal language, and who circulate addresses among the people, condémning their errors and their idolatry, would do well, to look a little into their manners, and to reflect whether those publications have not some tendency to disturb the peace and order of society. - “They thus, gravely tell the Hindoos: Your SASTRAs" are only fit for the amusement of Children, and your books of Philosophy are mere fables.” * “Hereafter, do ye" and your brethren, abominate the discourses of Barbarians;–the Sastras of Barbarians contain not the means of Salva tion.” > * ". It is thus, that in those parts of Ireland, where Roman Catholics are most numerous, especially about Kilkenny, Methodist preachers go about to fairs and markets, preàching to the people, in their native language, the necessity of renunciation of the errors of popery, they usually appear on horseback, with a velvet cap on their heads; and, soon attracting attention, they harangue with great energy and enthusiastic vehemence, on the injurious influenge of papal doctrines, and the blind folly of adhering to tenets, 漸 - * The componént chapters of the Veda, Hindoo or Scripture,