পাতা:দর্শন দীপিকা.djvu/৮৮

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ 31 J lulled into persuasion, when we could not be forced into submission." It were better therefore, perhaps, commit to time, the operation of more lenient measures; some mode of general information, and diffusion of reformed doctrines, through the medium of public schools; where the children of such poor, as should voluntarily embrace the measure, either from conviction of sentiment, or motives of temporal interest, should be educated at the expence of the State, and be apprenticed in due time to some useful employment: thus happily enlightening their miuds, and rendering their services beneficial to themselves and to Society. Should the Eastern Missionaries persist in the discharge of their vocation, and adopt the injudicious plan of their brethren in Ireland, fatal consequences may be the result: the general mildness ọf the Hindoo character, and the relative situation of Europeans in the East, may perhaps sécure the preachers from any personal insult; but, as they will necessarily be regarded as acting under the sanction of Government, the Hindoos will view, with jealousy and dissatisfaction, this European interference with the venerated system of their andestors; will consequently relax in that