পাতা:দানিএল মুনির চরিত্র.djvu/১৬৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

162 of those streets, it must have appeared like au avenue of shade, many miles in length. It might seem that the owners of these splendid house: must have spent their time in constant pleasure, joining with their friends in the feast, the song, and the dance; or walking amidst their richly cultivated fields and gardens; or sitting, in the heat of the day, by shady fountains, which threw upeolumns of water several feet into the air, giving a refreshing coolness to all around. But no—even here sickness would often come, hastened, perhaps, by the luxuries and wickedness of the people. It is supposed that there were no regular physicians in Babylon; for the inhabitants used to place their sick friends without the doors of their houses, hoping that some person would stop and prescribe for them. It is probable that Daniel, in his walks, often saw such sick persons, lying on beds or sofas, in the marble porticoes, or under some spreading tree. And as he had taken pains to acquire wisdom and knowledge on all પeful suબ્રજ, it would be strange if he knew nothing of medicine,