পাতা:দানিএল মুনির চরিত্র.djvu/৩০৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

304 like the voice of a multitude. (v. 7.) Daniel was the only person who saw this vision. The men who were with him, or followed him, did not see it; but a strange feeling of dread came over them, $0 that they quaked for fear, and fled away, leaving Daniel alone. (v. 8) The symbolical person who stood thus before Dasupposed to have been a vision or characteristic representation of Jesus the Son of God; for He is represented by precisely similar figures in the Revelation of St. John. In both places the intention isto exhibit the Saviour of the world as highly exalted and powerful, and ever occupied for the benefit of his people. Five hundred and thirty-three years afterwärds, He became a man, came into the world, and having taught the purést religion, died on the cross as a sacrifice for sins, that so a way might be opemed in which sinners could be pardoned, sanctified and reformed, and prepared for heaven. Daniel had before this وفه, seen and conversed with heavenly beings; but now “his strength failed,” and his heart sunk within him at this glorious and