পাতা:দানিএল মুনির চরিত্র.djvu/৩৩৩

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

328 This great object was to please God, and to be "useful in the world. 3rdly. Daniel was humble. The prayer that he offercd for the return of his people, expressed the humility before God. The account of his life which is given in the Bible was composed by himself. It is written with the utmost simplicity and modesty. It relates his skill in interpreting dreams, and . his to sin against God, even when threatenetí with immediatedeath. It relates his intercourse with angels, heaven was opened to him as to “a man beloved of God.” Yet in all this he seems to forget himself as much as if he had been describing what happened to another person. He employs no effort whatever to set himself off, but relates facts simply as they occurred and attributes ள் his acquirements and successes to the gifts and grace of God alone. ,4thly. Daniel was kind and affectionate in his disposition. In early youth, as we have seen, he was 罚辽l object of affection to Ashphenaz, the governor of the young Hebrews. He was subsequently a favourite with the kings both of Babylon and Persia, and