খড়ি 127 श्रृष्, fदष, *ङ्गज. poison, venom. rol, oil, Ross, poisonous, venomous, noxious. ●. ●, wrotot, or, the sky, the atmosphere. «$, «fi, «fjæl, statkraf, parched grain. «ền, zầ:sforni, srštą, navigable, deep. খগ, পক্ষা, গ্রহ, বায়ু, ৰাণ, a bird, a planet, air, an arrow. wors, scores, estsfog.—oro, Garura the king of birds. storia, wroteinsai, the planisphere or starry heavens. খচর, আকাশগ, মেষ, গ্রহ, পক্ষী, অশ্বতর, aerial; a cloud, a pla net, a bird, a mule. sos, cafés, set (as precious stones) inlaid. &fba, sá#, a ball, a bullet. «», «ræts-1,–ņāt, a spoon, a ladle. sti, zeirși, zarurși, lame, limping, crippled. een R, eenäsb,-erft fsters, the common wag-tail. wajit, erot, Götforwts, gof, a tabor or small drum. seiz, estã, a dagger. [phlegm. *, *facts, *s, a coarse and long thatching grass, খটি, সূপ, রাশি, সমূহ, পরামর্শ কল্পনা, a heap, pile, quantity, multitude, consultation, advice, scheme. *t, *sūai, -sfontà, rs, chalk, a coarse grass or straw. «ìt-, swaraíz, siwtsiran, the civet or pole-cat. s#1, ene, -fari, a bedstead, couch, bier, hammock. थड्रेात्र, farm, forag so, the weapon of Shiva. [iniquitous. थङ्केब्रछ, wwfề, nga, etifois, lecherous, abandoned, low, vile, ●「s, *forts, the straw of a thatching grass. erg#), esurg, a private or back door. «rşafst, sffr orga, a salt prepared by boiling. খড়ম, কষ্টপাদুকা, a Sandal, a clog or patten. খড়র, অশ্বশরীর পরিষ্কারার্থ লৌহমিস্মিতাস্ত্ৰ, a curry-comb. sfi, fost-so usest forts, ori, chalk, a coarse grass. offe, foot, offers root, a coarse mortar for plas tering cottages. -ാറ്റി
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।