
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

b अ४ि swą, sr:frz, ravenous, gluttonous. sins, sist fra, to-day. worsts, sarss, aesto, belonging to to-day, to day's. «fa, •Îó, a mountain. আছয়, এক কেবল, single. saks, #strs, beneath, below. অধম, बिकूटे, vile, base, mean, abominable, wicked. sagací, «st, a debtor. অধমাধম, অঙি নিকৃষ্ট, excessively vile or base. stig, str.sg es, the lower lip. 竇 wross, oftsg, lying beneath, situated under. sksia, o zoos, beneath, from below. wift, origins to on, pref. over, superior; possession. right, property, &c. afra, oftors, more, more than. - <ifess, fazetass, especially, principally; further, also. wiftsga, writtà, a possession; the seventh case. অধিকাধিক, নিয়মিতের অধিক, more and more. *fora, Tifi'i: otos; government, estate, reign, right, pri vilege, inheritance, class of persons. অধিকারী, স্বামী; কৰ্ত্তা; possessing right, &c.; a proprietor; capable of, having in one's power. wfosse, effefore, turned away, sent, despatched. wfors, wasts; eits, known, found, acquired, obtained. woosin wors; eitfu, the obtaining of a thing, acquisition of knowledge, a finding. [god. অধিদেবত, ইষ্টদেবতা; অধিষ্ঠাত, a presiding deity, guardian অধিদৈব, *H roasia, a division of creation including the inferior deities, demigods, &c. अद्देिश्दउ, प्झद दिमn, theology ; a presiding deity. [owner. sfot, siftofs, safrgta, erz, aking, sovereign, lord, master. *fora, wis, the world as continued by procreation. sftatii, *Re xvía «púxéar fral, a preliminary ceremony on festive occasions. - wfftwr, •tfyfawm; •rifs sr, learning, philosophy. - *ৰিছন্ত, er FRS, nature, the material parts of creation. - ogle