
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

शंभॆ। 199 vera, wrtræ-raftrets, à è=rift, a jingling, rattling, jarring, clanking, clashing. wool, afu, aw, a thunderbolt, stroke of lightning. wsi, arș. a storm, squall, hurricane, a clanking, &c. दशाझे, इबड़ाठी, ಡ್ಗ, , •Ê•š, perplexity, trouble, vexa tion, a difficulty, dilemma. *iefs, motorissy, a sparring, the fighting of birds. sofs, its quickly, speedily, expeditiously, apace. *wa-wra, siès, fotrastson, to chop or lop off, behead. wool. ars, afy, rise ato, a hurricane, a storm, a squall, a tempest. - [domineer. v Pra, séna, «nærn, to scold, chide, reprove, bluster, *rful, atstāt, tempestuous, stormy, windy. wel, or stol, Mu, a standard, flagstaff. wrasse, utzag zeerrit, a door lintel. **t, wris, son, a jump, leap, spring, sally. so, often werft, a cascade, a waterfall. *gwl, forgot, a window. [as leaves &c. argo, wzo, stuw, «sa, to drip, ooze, exude, leak, fall off wool, storin, wofol, a sieve, a dripping, pouring, falling &c. argāt, orofor, Roof", a strainer, the stream of blood from a wound, &c. [dust clothes. usta, ston, stow, arrow, to pour out, strain, shake off, rast, wiwifra swoi orsa, stwi, a dripping, dropping, &c; split, cracked, ragged, leaky, full of holes. wasm, writ, arturn, oftwal, a lattice, fence, cymbals. [fire. ass, wowers, oftly row, the beating of waves, a flake of sawa, awra, sity offyn, to flash, glare, flap as a wave. sworn, wrow, the flapping of a woman's breasts or an ele phant's ears, &c. a dangling and flapping. worn-wra, view, coitors, to scorch, roast, singe. - arn, Roxy, a fish. aifìr, v*wi, •fatvr, a calx, a calcined state. [cattle. sts, os, one, a swarm of bees, flock of birds, herd of wiès, wrotofs, to sweep, cleanse with a broom. atti, outfist, a broom.