
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ভাঙ্গ 207 vwa, "trax, néar, togrindona stone, rub, rubinunguents. ww.ri, raifa, zarsi, a roller of wood or stone, a muller. wwo, satà, a fruit basket or tray slung from a pole. wo-1, wroto, area, oréto wo, a lake, deep water. usts, oftwa, right, (opposite to the left.) vitx", vifsst, qnin, a witch. [spindle. §§l, wis, so, Rs, a plant-stalk, stem, shaft, handle, viền, #stu, xgRINs, abounding in stalks. vry, afg, we, an oar, bird-perch, fine, forfeit. তাড়কাক অভক্ষ্যভূক্ত ৰায়স, the carrion crow. [still, stop. virşT-sta, resiguta ettera, zrn, to stand, stand erect, stand wrot. #fs, bf{x, cons, strol, custom, habit, conduct, course, manner, way, the backbone, the seam or edge of mats; erect, perpendicular. v rệt, Afrg, Nifts, a rower, waterman, a scale-beam. ভালুক, cR#, fR'sfỹ, shackles, fetters, manacles, stocks. grw. gewis af:s, a gadfly. ডাক, আহবান, হাক, চীৎকার, পত্রবাহক, a call, summons, cry, shout, a letter carrier, the post. [bellow. छांकन, ईंकन, *:rga, testa, to call, hail, summon, cry out, ভাক-ইৎ, खांडू-घनूr, atbotto, a robber, highwayman, marauder. - [der, marauding. wors, statio, asbetro, Rossfs, highway robbery, plunভাকাৰুকা, tifsi, fríg, freg, zirgst, bold, insolent, impudent, undaunted, daring, valiant. wifrit, sail, assà, a witch, a female imp. stari, što gra, fauferra, upland, dry land. wry, os, wer, stral, on, Hots, a tooth, claw, fang, serrature, the wards of a key. ভাত্নাল, করাত্তৰখ, করাতৰদ্বস্তুবিশিষ্ট, serrated, sawlike. wrest, resorts, nu, wu, a cricket bat, an upright post. ভাঙী খুঁটী, roots oftwas, a post, a ship's yard. wis, ossifican, an unripe cocoanut and full of water. writy, owift oftwootso, a washing basin. [ter-pot. wTH. wt-It-fsors, FH Fas, a basin, a small jaror waow, "ifeti, a branch, bough of a tree.