
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

266 बद्भर्दी wa, row, status, artwo-, *s, new, recent, infant; nine; praise, panegyric, celebration. wawth, ofts, the body. - [birth. warral, ornasottask was son, the ninth day after childwait, wrassrs, –ntern, fresh butter. - warhaw, sfogatsråss, very young, opening into youth. wast, scam-of-sists, a bride, new-married woman. zraa, wofos, the ninth. [nourable families. मबङ्गप्रकूज, «धथाब कूणब्रांड, noble, connected with nine howarfs, assists, ort to, a woman recently delivered, a milch-cow. [a harvest festival. arts, soss starif, "tafsrsis strna "r", new rice, new corn. чан, нај,- sa, sigfire, nar, bisi, new, novel, recent, modern, young, tender, fresh. vrst, visstræ, stær", the atmosphere, the sky. was, eratn, win, ontor, a bow, obeisance, salutation. bowing, bending, a gift, present, offering. www, scsttsrxa, catfxx, frażi gew, to descend, stoop, bow, bend down, become humble. rrorsta, zota, esforos, a bow, obeisance, reverence, salutation, prostration. so station, &c. wwns, onto, eros, honourable, reverend, worthy of saluwas, rifte sitg, wat ag, flexible, depressible, that may be bent down. अम, पञदमङ, बीङ्ठ, fasst, sod, bent down, curved, hum ble, lowly, condescending, gentle. . wns, for to ratio oro, wa, stfs, no ; nine; justice, right, righteousness, virtue. =rņa, tara, por strax. the eye, vision; to bring, fetch. wn, was, stors, āfēs, new, novel, recent, fresh. মর, wass, oss, a man, a male, the human kind. was, enerzeistgrn, eittvig aast, hell, the infernal regions, torment, miserv, punishment. घट्रकी, etांकी, অতিদুষ্ট, zrzeszgtsff, sifsvist şfąg, hellish, infernal, - full of torment, tormenting, deserving of hell punishment. gle