टैदडांत्रिकी 447. rætst, stata, a palkee bearer. [less.' *s, *sū, srol, srs, fun, a book; except, besides, unৰৈকম্পিত, ৰিকম্প, দ্বিধাকাপ, differently or variously applied, (in grammar,) optional. ৰৈৰূল্য, বিস্ময়, ভাৰরাণী, ঘৰৱাণী, ৰক্রতা, ৰিগড়, বিকৃত ভাৰ, অপ্রসন্নত, amazement, agitation, confusion, discomposure, distortion, defectiveness, an in paired & or withered state, unpropitiousness. ixoto, ruststu, wors, the evening, afternoon. **R*, *wissils oscawi, the evening offering. ৰৈকু১, from tin, whiya, #4, the paradise of Vishnu, Vish nu himself. Indra. टेक्कूङr, পরিণাম, ৰিগড়, पूडेामि, wars, gal, a change, transformation, depravity, deformity, aversion. disgust. DggBS BBBBSBBBBDS DDDS BBDDS BBBBS BBBS BBBS hostility, un propitiousness, an adverse con- dition, perniciousness, worthlessness; unpropitious. adverse, hostile. [fear, &c. বৈকুৰr, zors, saytā, agitation, confusion, overpowering বৈচিত্র্য, বিচিত্ৰত, শোভা, সৌন্দৰ্য্য, variety, variegatedness, ornament, beauty, &c. [of garland. taargat. •rsrs, uw, wrm faters, a flag, banner, ensign, a kind ৰৈটা, বৈঠা—কেৱৰাজ, ৰটিয়া, a paddle or short oar. टेदठेक, जङ, ज्माछा, stonio, an assembly, a sitting, a club, a company, a hooka-bottom. ৰৈণৰক, বৈণুক,-ৰেণুৰাদ্যকর, বংশীধর, a flute player. è«raw, statarroz, a lute or guitar player. èssor, sầrst, strīsrst. falsehood, untruth. e. *****, rass stol sorts, sgaroo, a hired labourer or ser vant, a hireling. r ৰৈতরণী, agøvi ašī, afwzxa srrs1, the river of hell or Hindoo Styx, the mother of the Rákshasas or giants. टेदठाजिक, rostwow, wrofit, zato, one who serves a daemon or familiar, a conjurer, magician, aking's bard or musician. [a dæmon. टैदउाबिकी, wow, castawa afts offsfusio, magic, intercourse with - - gle
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।