
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

462 ਢਾਂਚੇ sat-, srsrífrían, disappointed, discouraged, spiritless. ভঙ্গ, খণ্ডল, চেরাণী, বিজ, ফাক, বিচ্ছেদ, নাশ, জয়বিপৰ্যয়, প্ৰৱঞ্চনা, wift, "tootoro, a breaking, splitting, tearing, a fissure, chasm, breach, division, breaking off, disappointment, interruption, discomfiture, rout, cheating, swindling, dishonesty, fraud, disease, the palsy, hemp. उछन्नम, ess, orato so. forw, atta, to break, fracture, deseat, dispel, disperse, ruin, undo. ভঙ্গরঙ্গ, ভঙ্গিরঙ্গী,– লীলা, ভৰ, অঙ্গেৱ মমোয়ম ৰিম্যাস, dalliance, loose toying, wanton gestures, ভজিম, ভঙ্গী,—খণ্ডন, ৰিচ্ছেদ, ছল, ছল্প, ৰক্রেতা, ইঞ্জিত, রস, জৰক্ষেপ, ūm, six, *fa, a fracture, breach, division, separation, deception, a trick, disguise, distortion, hint, wit, irony, repartee, dalliance, toying, gesture, attitude, capering. ভপুর, বেঁকা, বক্র, ছলী, ঠক, ৰিমাশোমুখ, নশ্বর, নদীর বেঁক, bent, crooked, distorted, fraudulent, dishonest, crasty, swindling, mouldering, dissoluble; the bend or turning of a river, a reach. sura, četna, zaaa, stag aga, to serve attentively, worship, adoe, honour, pay homage, shew respect or attention. [attention, &c. swirl, stor, softwal, corri, adoration, worship, service, Gastg, stIt Frg, Fé, zTysos, venerable, adorable, honour able, respectable. vænr=, Bettnr, aftur, ratstr, honourable, right, fit, proper. ভজিষ্ণু, §•Ifrae, twaae, ùwa°tatga, serving, waiting on, ob sequious, attentive to, devout, pious. ভজ্যমান, পূজ্যমান, receiving worship, homage, respect, &c. ভঞ্জন, খণ্ডল, মাশন, যুচান, চুকাল, মিটাল, মুদ্রা ভাঙ্গাল, to break. fracture,demolish,destroy, dispel, allay,solve, adjust, compose a difference, change money. wo, ess, stortfagi, breaking, changing money. vỡ, vuist, xsmuri, qs, sĩsta, a warrior, soldier, comba tant, a goblin, an outcast. - --ol.