
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

634 द्ब्रक्रिया DDDS BBBS BBBS BBBBS BBB DDBDS DDDSBBBS BBBBBS to preserve, protect, save, defend, ward off, shelter, shield, cherish, take care of, tend, feed, support. [nibal imp. ro, so wors, cost”, a fabulous giant, goblin, catরক্ষা, প্রতিপালমকর, জাপ্রয়, উদ্ধার, জাগ, ৱাচাও, preservation, protection, defence, salvation, security, res. cue, deliverance, escape. [protégé. #sors, offsettsios, wifers, preserved, defended, &c. award, zforzi, Hwt-rst, ztotta, esfSottore, a guardian, keeper, sa viour, defender, protector, &c. sty, sistics its of sists, the quick beating of a drum. ब्लगज़म-आम, अत्रमर्षम, श्च भिग्ना •न मनम, शूमध्२ जचाम जeन, *** *ạa, Brna, to rub the body, rub clothes, to rub out corn or seed with the hand, to sift a matter, to postpone, put off, delay. zw, asis Haf, z-, st", wstyl, oifist", qui, a colour, tint, - dye, paint, tin, sport, mirth, merriment, acting, dancing and singing. [painter. zwrz, Awstą,–zás, fšarz, dying, colouring, &c. a dyer, zwwist, s**tạx,—nostậ, zềRR, asis, making sport. &c. colouring; a dyer. [diness. zwsw, staffsarsta, sòs, a fine or glaring colour, gauzwsfrşi, fŠafafsa, si sfugl, gaudy, glaring, shewy, fine, dressy. [painter. #wifts, gwità, Rés, fowo, an actor, dancer, mime, a द्रत्र१, ब्रत्रt५,-ज्ञछक जब जांशांम, क्लत्र ८मeब, ब*ीकूड कङ्ग१, to co lour, tinge, dye, paint. șwww, rèss, fasiz, stavra, ris, n', merriment, fun, wan ton sport or gestures, dramatic exhibition. swoots, sters, gow, a stage, theatre, a field of battle. zwrn, añși, rèss, vstů, sport, merriment, fun. #swittur, wisers, howtury, a hall for ndches,ball-room, theatre. #wisol, www.oss, otă, colouring, &c.; a dyer, colourer. urra etā, orfas, ses, an actor, dancer, mime, zany. sform-1, stafassà, gaudy, shewy, tawdry, gay, splendid. - -olc