
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

जडीबहि 551 जसंजू, जांठी, লৌহযুক্ত sfe, a staff, stick, an iron-bound club. vкm, štit, stra, with, about one. লগ্ন, সংযুক্ত, একত্রিত, স্পষ্ট, উদ্যুক্ত, মনোযুক্ত, জনিত, উপযুক্ত, উচিত, #ifog engston, adhering to, joined to, connected with, touching, in contact, intent upon, consequent, applicable, relevant, suitable, proper, apposite; the oblique ascension or time of a sign's rising above the horizon. wns, afts, a bondsman, surety, bail. লগ্নপত্র, বিবাহ আদি কৰ্ম্মোপযুক্ত কালসূচক লিপি, a written specification of a propitious time for a marriage or other religious action. [together. visitofu, wrottenfor, ow, Motufo, abreast, in contact, close sistressss, ww.ots, a stoppage of urine, constipation. লঘিমা, লাম্বৰ, হ্রাস, অগুরুতা, চাপল্য, smallness, diminution, levity, lightness. [woman. wroto, son, “fors gos to ol, a light and contemptible লঘু জগুরু,অভারি, জঙ্গ, সূক্ষ্ম, অলীক, সহজ, তুচ্ছ, ছুশ্ববর্ণ, অবিবেচক, light, not heavy, little, small, minute, trifling, trivial, easy, mean, contemptible, short, (as a vowel,) imprudent. জযুজ্ঞান, wawl, weal, Etons, onto, contempt, scorn, a low opinion of, disesteem, a slighting, contemning, despising. [dent. লঘুতেজ, Ho, www, weak, of small power, silly, impruwgoils, visié, Tots, light (as food.) easy of digestion. wgary, offrs sig, stofas, thrift, economy, frugality. লঘুভার, ক্ষুদ্র tafð, ster, a slight burthen; light, portable. লঘুনমর, সহজ যুদ্ধ, a skirmish, loose fight, skirmishing. witsos, exts, discharge of urine, act of making water. wsi-afŘE, onų Nfis, red-pepper, chillies, capsicums. urur, ur,—orstw, twa-Fogn, a clove, the clove tree. অভল, অতিক্রমণ, ডিঙ্গান, অন্যথাচরণ, উপৰাস, to overstep, pass over, leap over, go beyond, exceed, to transgress, infringe, break, violate; fasting, abstinence. werfusa, Tototfo, statists, boxing, fighting, fisticuffs. -- ogle