
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

568 গাতু। wootfa at tu,-ottà, wielding a weapon, carrying arms. wrovitz, wafansi foto1, the study of arms, military exercise. [arms. *s, *isto, so so. armed, accoutred, provided with শস্য, ধাম্যাদি, ফল, তৃণাদির উৎপন্ন আহাৰ্বোচিত এৰা, শাস, grain, corn, a harvest, crop, fruit, the kernel, the edible substance of fruits, nuts, grain, &c. wrossottist, stang, abounding in corn, fertile in grain. siis, -r*, *M. a conch, a univalve shell. vit«fsst, stifirst,–Narvifsá, torzst, a hag, female goblin, - - apparition, a slut or slovenly woman. *ist, srol, a shell-ornament for the wrist, a bracelet. otestà, orgasts, a shell-cutter, a maker of bracelets, &c. শাখী, শাখযুক্ত, •rwrito, testaceous, provided with a shell. itn, tissis, withvist, the edible part of fruits, &c. the substance, kernel. পাক, ভক্ষণীয় তৃণ পত্র পুপাদি, খ্ৰীপ বিশেষ, শকাঙ্ক, শাল, an esculent vegetable, pot-herb, greens, any edible leaf, flower, fruit, stalk, root, &c. used as a vegetable, one of the seven Dwipas or divisions - of the world, an æra, the æra of Sháliváhana. *Its, oft; otto, a worshipper of Durgā in her vari- ous forms as the female creative principle or personified divine energy. শাখা, বৃক্ষের ভাল, ৰেদের পরিচ্ছেদ বিশেষ, a branch, a bough, a branch or subdivision of the Vedas. শাখান্নগর বা পুর, **rnors, too, a suburb, a village. শাখামৃগ, ৰানর, *so, a monkey, an ape. শাখী, বৃক্ষ, দেশাখোক্ত ধৰ্ম্মের অনুষ্ঠাত, a tree; an observer of any particular branch of the Weds. wfo, wit',– Ät zurzT *tforIF TI. the dress of the Hindoo female, consisting of a piece of cloth worn as a petticoat, the end being thrown over the - left shoulder. [ness, villainy. wiès, sw, "trol, off, a trick, deceit, collusion, craftiশাড়ী, ধনি, শব্দ, কুৰ, दाक, sound, voice, speech. : -- -gle