
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

_. উথত্ত্বি 55

    • tạ, Tí=ềi, ets, God, the Supreme, a lord. **gfoss, wifsassi, the denial of a God, atheism. #wifas, iors's, firmly relying on God, established in

his service. [absorption. . #ontos, offstow, a securing of the divine favour or **śt, ast, offs, a goddess, a queen. #5, #51,–$ot, the beam of a plough. #ss. Sarvi, fosso, a little, somewhat; pref, slight, &c. ঈষদর্শন, কটাক্ষ, অল্পদ্বষ্টি, a glance, slight view. Ézi, «sèi, $si, endeavour, attempt, study, wish. खे. È$, z=stą, a white ant উচ. উচ্চ, high, lofty. [thatch. Šss, sators, saro, to stir up, list up, loosen, strip off $5iis, Rossils, onto, rough, uneven, not level or smooth. $5Ha-ars, stafa, to toss corn in a sieve, to sift. §gra, Rosa, Wazoriša, to take up, lift up, unthatch, to threaten to strike. §3, §st,-\ool, cotti, a meteor, torch, firebrand; stray, - going at large, strange, unknown. [retching. issa, essfö, Switz, a peep, prying, attentive gaze, a Soon, extisa, to retch, to strain. উকিমাৱণ, গোপনেদর্শন, to pry, watch, peep. উকু৭ co-offs, a louse. Śāsār, Sarāt, Gotfacets, a sort of drum **, *fors, said, spoken, related. §f*. ataef, ***, speech, a word, sentence, expression. উক্ষ, zga, a buli. $s, Ben,-sifāt, a rasp, file. Ferx, ETKei, to rasp, file. sers", *isses, on, to go or pass away as time, to get or break loose, to encrust with sugar. ëtrol, wool, a preparation of parched rice and treacle. *ềe#, R#!, Rtsi, a ladle, a skimmer. 睿 میم.

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