
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

62 केरी

      • , wo, too, the abdomen or belly, paunch, womb, an enlargement of the abdomen. TTFTFF, TIA, an entrail, gut. *Hgsa, eigns,—ofonso, a diarrhoea, dysentery. *Hassa, wrossfs, coils, selfishly voracious, gluttonous,

voluptuous. Reāāāa, Sãafssoitson, the gastric juice. [epicure. উদর সর্বস্ব, পেটসর্বস্ব, পেটুক, cotén, gluttonous, voluptuous; an Reaã, cobra, fra, abdominous, corpulent, dropsical. Reārā, orgsso, inwardly, internally, inclusively. Śāz, vigism, ossin, wors, remote consequence, future time, profit, advantage. esta, offs arg, one of the five airs of an animal body. èātā, stąerò, Rạn, Trst, NR°. candid, frank, generous, liberal, noble, grand, gentle, unperplexed. *ềstại, catar#ix#, the deepest nọtes in music. èrater, entgn.ws,—catată, **è, ambiguous, ofdoubtfu or double meaning. - - উদাস, সমাধি, বৈরাগ্য, arrors, religious abstraction, solitude, unconnectedness, retirement, misanthrophy, anxiety, regret. ***, *agism, frow, gifts, abstracted, lonely, retired, misanthrophic, anxious, regretting, crazy. Refiğa, Tostão, f\cost, withdrawn from society, austere; a g recluse, pilgrim, religious mendicant, cynic, misanthrophe, stranger, foreigner. èafraa, $atzta,—áèt*, an illustration, instance, exempli fication of a rule. Ertzs, è refors, ès, adduced in exemplification, ex emplified, mentioned, spoken, famed. উদিত, প্রকাশিত, কথিত, ৰন্ধ, risen (as a heavenly body), come into notice or fashion, spoken, expressed, bound, tied. **śt easso, the north quarter. *štěts, egos, northern. *ās, off-sno, the north-west, north country. - ---gic