
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

उँङ्गो 65. two, equil,-aērsts, active, busy, prompt, ready. উদ্যান, উপৰন, a garden, park, grove, pleasure-ground. titors, assawma, notios, fulfilment of a vow, performance, accomplishment of a design. डेब्रुङ, ero, stors, ready, on the point of, engaged in. গ, প্রয়াস, চেষ্টা, endeavour, exertion, enterprize, zeal, readiness, industry. উদ্র, জলমার্গের, an otter. [perception. উদ্রেক, উন্মুখ, *Its s, attempt, commencement, appearance, উত্রেকভঙ্গ, আশাভঙ্গ, disappointment, discouragement, dissuasion, desisting. [ing ground. *::Hä, ärs, sks, about, ready, coming into view, gainউধস্, Coff So, the udder of a cow. è«TH, «a, «ta a loan, debt, trust, credit. ***, v. n. own, stars, Foti, to melt, dissolve; a furnace, উলান, v. ...} hearth, portable hearth. *##, ess, faş, a fountain, spring. উদখুদ, steizstrā, caff-FTITt, a commotion, riot, tumult, confusion, anarchy, mob, multitude, procession, pomp and noise of attendants. ***, *s, ofto. *tol, a rat, a mouse. era, ow, Horn, elevated, exalted, enriched, risen, as cended, increased. *rsso, ottery, risen and fallen, elevated and depressed. rising and falling. enfo, fo, increase, elevation, advancement, prosperity. *rga, orators, fassà, ol, to lift up, elevate; discussion, deliberation, reasoning, logic. exton, erston, to raise, elevate. [intoxicated. verg, eusta Swift,-fase, eitsfa, deranged, mad, crazy, §ral, exosov, Aston, thoughtful, agitated, distressed, re gretting. eats, oth, uto, a snare, trap, net. [extravagant. **, aross, stors, madness, folly, extravagance; mad. फेब्राझटकज, ৰাতুল, a maniac, mad person. [Sure, value. twin, offs, cow, wivia, a weighing, measuring; meaI