
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

82 ઉં, &wta, stany, wwwwww rwfwfs, made of copper, made of {k fig-wood; a kind of leprosy. હૈયર છે, Honors, strons, two, so, disagreeableness, troublesomeness, excessiveness, madness, fury, drunkenness. ঐৎকর্ষ, tesz, excellency, perfection, pleasantness. ঔত্তর, মোটা, so, gross. è orifss, Gotarifrē, Šorsām, portentous, prodigious, as tonishing, outrageous. è«>iffs, sifero, arsifas, pertaining to an oblation, natural. è qes, etsiff, Rentz, «stras, zeal, zealous exertion, ardor, anxiety, perturbation, regret. &aso, orofo, ros, gluttonous, selfishly voracious. &afo, offèse rotto, buttermilk and water. ঐদার্য, দাস্তৃত্ব, গৌরব, чxterer, munificence, liberality, grandeur, nobleness of mind, candour, ingenu O USO ESS. ঔদাস্য, ঔদাসীন্য,—সৎসর্গত্যাগ, বিষয়ে বিরাগ, solitude,loneliness, misanthropy, indifference. ঔদ্ধত্য, দুরন্তত, zàstws, violence, oppression, tumult. &uses, oxalso wra, ss, a marriage gift to a woman. ঔপনায়িক, উপনয়ন সম্বন্ধীয়, উপনয়ম ম্বোগt, pertaining to or fit to be invested with the sacred thread. [sited. èeiffitz, zırfeft A fes, pertaining to a deposit, depoલેમ્બર , मूठेख, *Toots, a comparison, resemblance. , tarfs, pertaining to attributes or properties. &otifs, withs, ofts, expedient, right, fit, proper. डेडन, ঔরস্য,—স্বদেহজাত, legitimate, lawfully begotten. ঐ"দেহিক, zzofol, obsequies, funeral rites, commemo rative acts. &#, styasaw, submarine fire. [bundance, excess. ègas, sift-IF, sfræ, excessive, superabundant; superaésk, wom, ratsrators Gas, a medicine, drug, remedy. èssty, ès«fasg*, medicinal, pertaining to medicine. ès, slot, ès. Ej, heat, ardour. &stors, oftwists, temperature, climate. eঃক, উটের *R, a herd of camels. --ാറ്റി