
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

8 -Tut. It is on account of their immense distance “that they appear so-ory small;, hence, when the earth in its revolution round, the sun, is at one time 190 millions of miles nearer to some of thein, there is no diferouse in their ಇparen magnitudes. Pup. How mápy of thcse kinds of stars are there in the firamment * o Tut. It is said, the greatest number we can, at any one time, see with the naked eye, is about a thousand. But with gobd glasses many more may be discovered, and the larger number in proportion to the excellence of the telescopes by which they are examined; so that they may be said to be innumerable. , Pup. Why do they twinkle" Tut. That appearance is occasioned by intervening vappurs or other minute bodies floating in the air. Pup. The $tars appear to be placed witlioui amy order. - o wt.They appear so, because wt see them but in ohe point of view; but they are no doubt arranged in the most exact and beautiful order. 'Pip. Were the stars ereated only for our use? **Tot. It is unreasonable to suppose so; on account of their vast distance; but they were probably created for the benefit of other rational creatures, of whom we can at present form no conception. w · ·ነና Pop: Are the stars suns like ours ? l Toto such is the common and prevailing opinion of philohers." . . . - Pop. in what respect àre they serviceable to us? To... They serve to enlarge oilrideas Öfthe works. of God, and to diminkhothogloon of darkåges': they