পাতা:পলাশির যুদ্ধ.djvu/২০৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

REVIEW. "The Battle of Passey, a Bengali Poem, by Mobin Chunder Sen. The poem now before us is from the pen of one who needs no introduction to the Bengali-reading public. The reacts of ไhe “Banga Darsan” will recognise in him the author of those charming little pieces, which have so often “taken their prisoned souls captive and lapped them in Ely. sium.” The energy of his lines has already ranked him as the Byron of the East. The subject of the poem under notice is the battle of Plassey—a subject which recalls to him many old associations and historic traditions. It was on the plains of Plassey that the British standard, which now waves over the whole continent of India, was first unfurled. The Revolution, which placed England on the throne of India, was heralded on the battle-figld of Plassey. The subject, therefore, is a fertile theme for a poet, and Babu Nobin Chunder Sen has put sorth his best power is dealing with it. In thể choice of his subject, however, the poet had to contend with many difficulties. Unlike the authors of the "Megnadhbadh: and the “Vitra Sanghara" he has closen a subject which derives no light from the great classical poems of our country. The leading characters in the memorable drama are still fresh in the minds of the people, but their deeds have not, up to this time, been made the theme of either song otballad. He had there'ore, to depend solely upon his own imagination for the elaboration of his figures,