পাতা:পূজা ও সমাজ - অবিনাশচন্দ্র চক্রবর্ত্তি.pdf/৩৩৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

5 ' Kavitako rakam. “In these days any attempt at originat Sanskrit metrical composition should be welcome. It goes without saying that a book of the nature of Aavita kora kam will be highly welcome. I am glad to say that the book on the whole is well written and that you have handled several metres with admirable success. The piece 'g (Youth) evinces sentiments which are calculated to hold up high principles of action to both young and old. Your Bengali version of the pieces is very good, and in many places shows what the original should ha ve been, From Babu Umacharan Banerjea, M.A., Principal, Burdwan Raj College :- I have glanced at certain portions of Kavit a korakamr by Babu Abinash Chandra Chakravarti, a teacher, in the High School, Dhuri, Assam, and can unhesitatingly declare the work creditable to the Author. 2. Tine perusal of some stanzas has given me great pleasure, for the purity, both of matter and the style, which they undoubtedly exhibit. 3. The writer shews himself quite at home in the technicalities of metrical compoasition both in Sanskiit and Bengalee. Besides, his verse appears to be characterized by simplicity, sweetness and naturalness, 4. The author deserves encouragement at the hands of the patrons of Sanskrit scholarship.