পাতা:প্রতাপাদিত্য-নিখিল নাথ রায়.djvu/১৪৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ృ9ళి তাহা বেভারিজ সাহেব সুস্পষ্টরূপে অবগত নহেন। যশোর ও ধূমঘাট যে পরস্পর সংলগ্ন এতৎ সম্বন্ধে বেভারিজ সাহেব কোনরূপ প্রমাণ পাইয়া November 1602, in prison in Chittagong. in consequence of injuries which he had reccived in a tumult there, and the other priests took refuge in Sundwip. In consequence, however of a war with the king of AI racan, they soon left the island and took refuge in Chandican. But the king of Chandican was cruel and treacherous (traits which agree with the des, liption of Pratapaditya) and was desirous of making his peace with the king of Arracan who was then very powerful, and had, as 1) u Jari ic informs us, taken possession of the kingdom of Bakala. Carvalho, the gallant captain of the Portuguese was at Chandican, and the king of Chandican who was then at ‘Jasor’. sent for Carvalho, and had him murdered in order ingratiate himself with the king of Arracan. })u Jarlic adds that the news of Carvalho's nurder at Jasor reached Chandican on the following mid-night, which may give us some idea of the distance between the two places. This ended the Bengal Mission, for the king of Chandican destroyed the church and ordered the priests out of the county We are glad to think that this king, if he was, as we believe, Pratapaditya, shortly afterwards expiated his crimes and died in an ironcage at Benares That Pratapaditya was a cruel monster, and quite capable of direéting the assassination of a brave man like Carvalho, we have proof enough in the work of his admiring biographer, who tells us that Pratapaditya cut off the breasts of a female slave who had offended him. There are two other slight pieces of evidence in support of the "entity between Pratapaditya and the king of Chandican. One is that Du Jarric tells us that the young king of Bakala was absent when the king of Arracan overran his territory, and we know that *am Chandra Rai, was for a while a prisoner in the city of his father-in-law who wished to assassinate him. Another is that when