পাতা:প্রতাপাদিত্য-নিখিল নাথ রায়.djvu/৫০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

83 . রাজধানীর ধ্বংসাবশেষ ব্যতীত সুন্দরবনের স্থানে স্থানে প্রাচীন গ্রামাদির চিহ্ন দেখিতে পাওয়া যায়। সাগরদ্বীপে, সুন্দরবনের ১২৯, ১১৬, ২১১, ১৬৫, ১৪৬নং লাটে ভগ্ন অট্টালিকা, উদ্যান প্রভৃতির চিহ্ন দেখিতে পাওয়া যায়। * এই সমস্ত চিহ্ন দেখিয়া স্পষ্টই বুঝিতে পারা যায় যে, সুন্দরবনে

  • “In the Island of Saugur which lies upon the cvtreme edge at the Deltaic basin, consequently lying higher than the centre of the Delta, the remains of tanks, temples and roads are still to be seen, showing that it was once more densely populated than it is now ; and native history informs us that the Saugur Island has been inhabitated for centuries. During the operation of clearing Saugur Island in 1822 to 33 and later when clearing away uhe Jungle for thc Eleétric Telegraph ın 1855-56 remains of buıldings, tanks, roads, and other signs of men's fortner presence were brought to light. Again upon the Eastern portions of the Sundai bans where the country has been cleared of forest mud forts are found in good nuinbers erected most probably by the them occupiers of the soil to ward off the attacks of the Mugs, Malyas Arabs. Portuguese and other pirates who in times gone by that is, about A.D. 1581. depopulated this part of the country. The Mugs even advanced so far to the westward as to depopulate the whole country lying between the river Haringhata and Rabanabad channel, But we know of no trace of the land having been occupied farther to the Westward of the Haringhata.”

“In lot No. 129 that has been lately cleared and occupied by village of native Christians, we remarked baked bricks, reinains of . buildings fruit trees not indigenous to the country and a large but shallow tank all evidence of former occupation but these remains are close upon the water's edge.” (Calcutta Review March 1859. The Gangetic Delta. ) “Down the left or Eastern bank of the Cabbadak cultivation Once extended, according to tradition, far below the solitary vistage