পাতা:প্রবোধ চন্দ্রিকা.djvu/৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

This work was composed by the late MRITyu Njoy V spy ai.UNKAR, one of the most profound scholars of the age, and sor many years chief pundi’ in the College of Fort William, for the use of the Young Gentlemen of the Civil Service studying in that institution. The work, which he left uupublished at his death, consists chiefly of narratives from the Shastrus, written in the purest Bengalec, of which indeed it may be considered one of the most beautiful specimens. The writer, anxious to exhibit a variety of style, has in some cases indulged in the use of language current only among the lower orders; the vulgarity of which, however, he has abundantly redecmed by his vein of original humour. In other parts of the work he has drawn so freely on the Sungskrit, that the uninitiated student may possibly find it difficult to comprehend some of the sentences at the first glance. All words of foreign parentage, however, he has carefully excluded, which adds not a little to the value of this compilation,