পাতা:বংশ-পরিচয় (দশম খণ্ড) - জ্ঞানেন্দ্রনাথ কুমার.pdf/৭৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

নবাবগঞ্জের মণ্ডলপরিবার R of about 5 miles, where it joins the Nilganj Road, passing from Barrackpur to Baraset. This road was constructed by Babu Sridhar Mandal and Babu Bansi Dhar Mandal, residents of Nawabganj, in 1859, at the instance of Sir Ashley Eden who was then Magistrate of Baraset. The road since its construction has been kept in good repair for many years by the gentlemen who made it, and they had from time to time incurred an expenditure nearly amounting to Rs 20,000. The road crosses the Ferry fund, Ghosepara Road and the Railway and the portion of it about a mile in length, between the river and the Railway is metalled and is in excellent order. The next portion from the Railway to Jaffarpur, about two miles, is also metalled but is in very bad condition. Beyond the road is a fairly good kutcha road. Jaffarpur is the practising range of the Artillery, stationed at Barrakpur, and it appears that a few years ago the heavy guns and horses frequently made a passage of this road from the Ghosepara road to Jaffarpur, and the damage done to the road was so great as to render it almost impassable, especially during the rains. This occured in 1882, and in 1888 the gentlemen ab whose expense the road was constructied and kept in repair, represented the matter to His Excellency the Commander-in-chief and petitioned that he would “issue order for the proper repairs of the road in question, and for stopping the passage of the artillery guns to pass through the road when a separate road has been properly constructed by Government for such purpose, running north to Chandanpukar and