
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

( 15 ) work of liberation. His workers and fighters for the mother land are political Bayragees who have no other thought than their duty to her and have put all else behind them as less dear and less precious and only to be resumed when their work for her is done. Whoever loves self or wife or child ᎾᎥᎢ goods more than his country is a poor and imperfect patriot. not by him shall the great work be accomplished. Again, he perceived that the second element of the moral strength needed must be self-discipline and organisation. This truth he expressed in the elaborate training of Devi Chaudhurani for her work, in the strict rules of the Association of the “Ananda Math” and in the pictures of perfect organisation which those books contain, L.stly, he perceived that the third element of moral strength must be the infusion of religious feeling into patriotic work. The religion of patriotism, this is the master idea of Bankim's writings. It is already foreshadowed in “Devi Chaudhurani.” In "Dharmatattwa” the idea and in “krishna Charitra” the picture of a perfect and many-sided Karma Yoga is sketched, the crown of which shall be work for one's country and one's kind. In “Anandamath" this idea is the key note of the whole book and receives its perfect lyrical expression in the great song which has become the national anthem of United India. This is second great service ol Bankim to his country that he pointed out to it the way ol salvation and gave it the religion of patriotism. Of the new spirit which is leading the nation to resurgence and independence, he is the inspirer and political guru. - The third and supreme service of Bankim to his mation was that he gave us the vision of our Mother. The new intellectuał idea of the motherland is not in itself a great driving TCS ; the mere recognition of the desirability of freedom is not an inspiring motive. There are few Indians a promo whethek loyalist, Modeiate or Nationalist in their political views, who 0عيمي