পাতা:বঙ্গদর্শন-চতুর্থ খণ্ড.djvu/১৮৪

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

! »१७ - করিয়া যথাযোগ্য অসহস্তে দণ্ডায়মান । হইল । রণবাদ্য নির্ঘোষে চতুৰ্দ্ধিক আ. " ন্দোলিত হইল। উভয়দিকে সিংহনাদ cial troops, bowman, slingers, &c. armed with missiles, but the hoplite had no weapon to employ in this manner. The heroes of the Fliad and Odyssey, on the contrary, habitually employ the spear as a missile which they launch with tremendous force: each of them is mounted in his war char'ot drawn by two horses and calculated to contain the warrior and his charioteer, in which latter eapacity a friend or comrade will sometimes consent to serve. Advancing in his chariotatfull speed, in front of his own soldiers, he hurls his spear against the enemy: “sometimes indeed he will fight on foot and hand to hand, but the chariot is usually near to receive him if he chooses, or to ensure his retreat. The men of Greeks arid Trojans coming forward to the charge, without any regular steps or evenly maintained line, making their attack in the same way by hurling their spears. Each chief wears habitually a long sword and a short dagger, besides his two spears to be launched forward—the spear being also used, if occasion serves, as a weapon or thrust. Every man is protected by shield; helmet, breastplate and greaves, but the armour of the chiefs is greatly superior to that of the common men, while they themselves are more strong and, more expert in the use of their | weapons. There are a few bow men, as rare exceptions, but the general equipment and proceeding. is as here described”—Grote's বাল্মীকি ও তৎসাময়িক বৃত্তান্ত । (পশম খাঃ ১২৮২ r ধন্তুষ্টঙ্কার এবং শঙ্খনাদ হইতে লাগিল, তৎপরে বাগ-যুদ্ধ। তৎপরে যদৃচ্ছ কি | ধৰ্ম্মযুদ্ধ হইবে তাহা নিরুপণ হইয়া যুদ্ধ Prercott conquest of Peru. Greece. Vol. I pp. 494. এক্ষণে দেখিবে যে হোমারের বর্ণিত রণবৃত্তান্ত বাল্মীকির সহ কত সামান্ত অন্তর। ফলতঃ জগতের সকল আদিম সভ্য বা অৰ্দ্ধসভ্য জাতির রণপাণ্ডিত্য প্রায় এইরূপ। খৃষ্টীয় ষোড়শ শতাব্দীর এক অৰ্দ্ধসভ্য জাতির রণবৃত্তান্তের সহ মিলাইয়া দেখ। দক্ষিণ আমেরিকার পেরু রাজ্যের আদিম অধি- । বাসীরা স্পেনিয়ার্ডদের সঙ্গে যুদ্ধে প্রবৃত্ত *Cots –“ Many of the Indians were armed with lances handed. with copper tempered almost to" the hardness of steel, and with huge maces and battle-axes of the same metal. Their defensive armour, also, was in many respects excellent, consisting of stout doublets of quilted cotton, shields covered with skins, and casques-richly ornamented with gold and jewels, or sometimes made like those of ' the Mexicans, in the fantastie shape of the heads of wild animals, garnished with rows of teeth that grinned horribly above the visage of the warrior.......... the Spaniards were roused by the hideous clamour of conch, trumpet, and atabal, mingled with the fierce warcries, of ibe barbarians, as they let off volleys of missiles of every description,.........But others did more serious execution. These. were burning arrows, and red-hot stones wrapped in cotton that had

  • been steeped in same bituminous

..substance, which seattering long || trains of light through the air foll f : on the roofs of the buildings; and speedily set them on fire.oc.- : -سسستط |