পাতা:বঙ্গদর্শন নবপর্যায় পঞ্চম খণ্ড.djvu/৫৪৩

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

●鲸 heard, a suspicion that behind all these interpretations—the social reform, the political agitation, religious movements and economic grievances—there stands a greater reality, dominating and co-ordinating the whole, the Indian national idea, of which each is a part. It begins to bê thought that thc*c विश्वॆ । [e*****दद । is a religious idea that may be called Indian, but it is of no single sect, that there is a social idea, which is the property of no cate or groups, that there is a historic cvolution, in which all are united, and that is the thing within all these which alone is to be called “India.” કૈથા अन्|श्उछ । مهای این پایگاههای ع पैंiक्लि८ब चt८झ जां८९क८षांज! दf 5fब्र४मच्न क्षttछ। नूठन बघू बूंकि ? चाम्रक कथन्कृ-ि७ण। ८७tक्षiद्म शृश्षi८॥ . ল’য়ে তাহার পূজি । দেখচ চেয়ে গোরুর গাড়ি উড়িয়ে চলে খুলি " খৰ-রোমের কালে ; पूब नद्रौप्ड निप्व्ह "फि cवांकाहे ८नोकtखनि . ৰাভাল লাগে পালে । जां८षक८षांब्वाँ विबनषtā וסיוס fדזשהייזרc ७कूणां वांछांश्चरन