পাতা:বঙ্গভাষা ও সাহিত্য - দীনেশচন্দ্র সেন.pdf/৭৬১

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE Vybr:S Puranas-Gyanaday, by R. C. Mittre, a miscellany of II istorical, Biographical, Natural II istory, and Scientific subjects, 2o Nos. printed. In 1832, Vigyan Sebadi, by Gangacharan Sch, a monthly miscellany for the young, conducted by indu College students. The Jyansindhu Taranga, Rasik Malik, on Ethics and Literature, in 1833, the l'OUR-AN NA MAGAZINE A. B., Ethical Essays and I listorical Anccdotes, continued tor 12 months. In 1834 Vidya Sar Sangraha, \. B. Literature, Science, Biography, I listory. In 1842. Videa Darsham, by Akhay Kumar I)ut, on Ethics, Literature,-Videa l)arsham, by Prasanna Kumar Ghose, treated of Ethics, Iistory, Science, lasted 6 months-Shashadhar, by Kalidas Maitreya. In 1843, the lVANGELIST, A. 3. Mangal Upakhycan. Edited by J. Robinson, started for Native Christians at the suggestion of the Baptist Association, continued for 3 years. , ('ontained articles On Church listory, Muhammedanism, Christian duties, Serimens, Rcligious and Missionary Intelligence. The Sarbarasranjika, W. PR, P. On history, cthics, customs. In 1846, the Kaustabh Kiran, Rajnarayan Mittre, much recondit c information from the Puranas on Astrology-the Jagadbandal Patrika cdited by students of the Hindu College, on literature, lasted two years; gave translations of their class cxe cises,—Satyea Sancharini, by Shy eamachoran Bose, advocatcd female Education, the organ of a Vedantic Sabha, the profits to go to the support of a charity school. The Kaista Kiran, gave translations from the Puranas and advocated the claims of the Khaistas to wear the Brahminical thread-The Durjan Daman Navami, by Thakurdas Basu : tri-monthly, opposed Young Bengal, defended idolatry, had as its symbol the picture of a cross fastened by a chain, to signify it would restrain Christian influence. In 1847, indu l'harm Chandraday, Mo, by Harinarayan Goshwa mi-a defence of II induism, the Organ of the Vishnu Sabha founded to oppose the Vedantists-The Gyansancharini, the organ of a Sabha of that name in Kanch'apara, la sted 3 Yoao: The Kabcaratnakar, W., edited by a student of the indu College, in 1848, Muktabali. w by Kali Kanta Bhattacherjea of Sibpur commenced at the instigation of Rajnarayan Of Andul, opposed the right of the Khctriyas to wear the Br ahminical thread, gave translations from the Kalika Purana-Bhaktisuchak by Ramnidhi, W.in 1849, Rasaratnakar, Pr. P. by Jadunath Pal. ടajaironja P. P. 蜴 by Gobinda Chandra Gupta, continued for 3 years,لأسسat:yea Dharma Prakashika advocated br ዓ