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देश्रद्धांय ७ नांश्ऊि1 ما ۹ delivery of Krishna's followers.-Prem Bhakti Chandrika, pp. 14, love to Kreshna-Radhika Sahasra Nam, from the Bhagavat Puran-Rag Maya Kona, on subduing the passions by a Vaishnavite.-- Ramstab, Ram's praise by the Monkey King--Ram Charita.-- Ras Bilas, Krishna and the Gopis, DD. 96.-Ras Panchadyea, the Ras festival.-- Rasrasamrita, Krishna and the Gopis -Rati Bilap, Rati's lament for her husband reduced to ashes-Rasamay his miracles and travels to Brindabund.–Satyea Bhatna Panchali, to commemorate the reconciliation of Krishna to his, wife-Satya Narayan, pp. 16, 1852, by Jagannath Malik-Sangit Ananda Lahari, 1848, pp. 66. Songs in praise of Krishna.--Smriti Sangraha, by Ragunundan of Santipur-Shri Nath tatva from the Yog Shastra. -- Udab IDut, by Rupa Goswami, the messenger to bring Krishna back from Guzerat.-Udvab Sanbad Krishna's restoration to the milkmaids, Ni, P., pp. 42, 4 as. From the Brahma Baibarta Purana(S. B.) Upasana Chandra mrita, on Chaitanyea-Upasana Khanda, l848, |), 37. S. B. Vaishnab Manaranjika, pp. 24, lan., on the Vaishnav mark on the forehead, from what earth to be made, with quotatiotis from three PuranasVaishnav Bandhana, Krishna's praiscs-Vaishnav Sarbashyea-Vishnu Sahasra Nam, 1st cd. 1822, from the Mahabharat Vishnu's thousand hames, this is one of the early school manuals put into the hands of boys of the Vaishnob sect. 448. Aparadh Bhanjali. pp. 12, 1852, I an. Ch. C., the way of atoning for offences against Krishna. 449. (S. T.) Bhagavat Amrita Sar, I2 as, pp. 397, Life of Krishna from the Bhagavat Purana, 1oth Section. 45O. (S. B.) Bhagavat Ekadash, pp. 39, Rs. 2, St, P. 1852. Praises of Krishna. 45 I. (S. B.) Bhagavati (Gita, by Ramratna Bhattachariyca, a Nudde: pandit, Bi. B., 1854, 18 in), pp. 7, 3 a.s. 452. Bhagavat Sar, Life of Krishna, by Madhav Acharyea, of Nuddea O. H., 1855, pp. 488. 453. Bhakta Mala, Jy, R., pp. 392, I Re. 4 as., lives of Vaishnav Stif as Kabir. Sangkar Acharjca, Tulsi Das, Prahlad, Hari Das, Jay Deva. standard work. Professor Wilson has made much use of the original in lh