8v বঙ্গের বাহিরে বাঙ্গালী । শতমুখে প্রশংসা করেন। আমরা সেই রাশীকৃত প্ৰশংসাপত্র হইতে বিদেশের কয়েকজন প্ৰখ্যাত পণ্ডিতের কয়েকখানি পত্রাংশ প্ৰকাশ করিলাম। The Right Hon’ble F. Max Muller, Oxford, 30th April, 1896, -' * * Allow me to congratulate you on your successful termination of Panini's Grammar. It was a great undertaking, and you have done your part of the work most admirably. I say once more what should l have given for such an edition of Panini when I was young, and how much time would it have saved me and others. Whatever people may say, no one knows Sanskrit, who does not know Panini.' Professor T. Jolly, Ph. D., Wurzburg (Germany), 23rd April, 1893.- : * Nothing could have been more gratifying to me no doubt, than to get hold of a trustworthy translation of Panini's Ashtadhyayi, the standard work of Sanskrit literature, and I shall gladly do my best to make this valuable work known to lovers and students of the immortal literature of ancient India in this country.' Professor W. D. Whitney, New Hauen, U. S. A., 17th June, l893.-' " The work seems to me to be very well planned and executed, doing credit to the translator and publisher. It is also, in my opinion, a very valuable (production), undertaking as it does to give the European student of the native grammer more help than he can find anywhere else. It ought to have a good sale in Europe (and correspondingly in America.)" Professor V. Fausbol, Copenhagen, 5th June, 1893.- ' ' ' It appears to me to be a splendid production of Indian industry and scholarship and I value it particularly on account of the extracts from the Kasika.' Professor Dr. R. Pischle, Hlale (Saals), 27th May, 1893.- ' ' " I have gone through it and find it an extremely valuable and useful book, all the more so as there are very few Sanskrit scholars in Europe who understand Panini." 3rris a is fé frag(eir TC. The Indian Mirror, The Hindoo, The Indian People (2yf5 (a ठद्ध श्नाएछ
পাতা:বঙ্গের বাহিরে বাঙ্গালী (উত্তর ভারত) - জ্ঞানেন্দ্রমোহন দাস.pdf/২২২
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।